Paget’s Disease: Therapy and Diagnosis

If Paget’s disease is suspected, an X-ray examination will usually confirm the diagnosis: The rapid, “sloppy” bone formation, structural changes, thickening and deformation of the bone tissue can be easily seen. A bone scintigraphy may be taken to show the increased metabolic activity in the bone.

Supportive blood or urine tests are performed, which show increased products of bone metabolism: alkaline phosphatase in the blood as a sign of increased bone formation, hydroxyproline in the urine as a sign of increased osteoclast activity.

What is the therapy?

Although no cure is possible, often no treatment is necessary. The prognosis is very good. The extent of therapy depends on the symptoms:

  • Medications: The overactive bone cells can be slowed down and bone formation promoted (calcitonin as an injection or nasal spray; bisphosphonates as an injection or tablet). In addition, drugs can be used to combat pain (analgesics, e.g. ibuprofen). Important is the adequate intake of vitamin D and calcium.
  • Orthopedic aids are used to compensate for bone bending and relieve the support apparatus, for example, as a corset or leg splint.
  • Surgery: in severe cases, orthopedic surgery may also be necessary, for example, in the case of bone fractures, joint destruction or nerve crushing.
  • Physiotherapy helps to balance the load on the bones and joints.
  • Alternative treatment methods: with acupuncture, autohemotherapy, excretory methods, enzyme therapy, manual medicine or bioresonance procedures can possibly reduce the pain and slow down the remodeling processes. However, scientific evidence of effectiveness is pending.

It is important to have regular medical checkups to detect early the transition to a malignant bone tumor.