Heart Rate Calculation | Function of the heart

Heart Rate Calculation

If you want to train in your individual optimal heart rate zone you should be able to calculate your optimal heart rate. The calculation is done according to the so-called Karvonen formula, where the resting heart rate is subtracted from the maximum heart rate, the result is multiplied by 0.6 (or 0.75 for high intensity training) and then added to the resting heart rate. The maximum heart rate is calculated by subtracting the age of the athlete from 220.

You can measure the resting heart rate yourself. To do so, lie down quietly for ten minutes and then measure your heart rate. For untrained people the value will be between 60 and 80 beats per minute, whereas competitive athletes can have a resting pulse of up to 35 beats.

The calculated values for a load with medium intensity (multiplied by 0.6) and high intensity (multiplied by 0.75) are only guidelines. An endurance training according to the endurance method should, for example, take place in the medium intensity range.