Nifedipine Cream for Anal Fissure

Effects Nifedipine is an active ingredient of the dihydropyridine group and has a relaxing effect on vascular smooth muscle. When used topically or orally, it dilates blood vessels, improves blood flow and thus wound healing, is anti-inflammatory, and relieves anal sphincter spasms. Dihydropyridines inhibit the influx of calcium into smooth muscle cells by inhibiting L-type … Nifedipine Cream for Anal Fissure

Nitroglycerin Ointment

Products Rectogesic ointment is approved in many countries (some countries: Rectiv). Nitroglycerin ointments are also used in a higher concentration for transdermal treatment of angina (2%). This article refers to rectal administration for anal fissure. Structure and properties Nitroglycerin or glycerol trinitrate (C3H5N3O9, Mr = 227.1 g/mol) is nitrated glycerol. Pure nitroglycerin is explosive and … Nitroglycerin Ointment

Blood in the stool and abdominal pain

Introduction Blood in the stool can have a variety of causes. These causes should always be clarified by appropriate diagnostics, as intestinal cancer can also cause bloody stool. If abdominal pain occurs at the same time, this can possibly narrow down the diagnosis. However, one must first assess whether the two symptoms are separate from … Blood in the stool and abdominal pain

Diagnosis | Blood in the stool and abdominal pain

Diagnosis The diagnosis is made up of various components. First of all, risk factors such as medication, previous illnesses or operations are clarified in a discussion with the doctor. During the examination, the anal region is looked at and a digital-rectal examination is also carried out. For this purpose, the doctor inserts a finger into … Diagnosis | Blood in the stool and abdominal pain

Can blood in the stool be an indication of intestinal cancer? | Blood in the stool

Can blood in the stool be an indication of intestinal cancer? Bowel cancer only shows early symptoms in very rare cases. The cancer often grows unnoticed and leads to pain, digestive problems, blood in the stool and numerous other symptoms only very late. However, occasional bleeding on its surface is typical of colorectal cancer due … Can blood in the stool be an indication of intestinal cancer? | Blood in the stool

Diagnostic measures for blood in stool | Blood in the stool

Diagnostic measures for blood in stool As with all diseases, the diagnosis begins with a detailed patient consultation. In this discussion, the doctor will focus on the type of blood, the consistency and frequency of the stool and accompanying complaints such as abdominal pain or vomiting. This is followed by a physical examination, including a … Diagnostic measures for blood in stool | Blood in the stool

What does the color of the blood say? | Blood in the stool

What does the color of the blood say? A distinction is made between two different types of blood in the stool: Based on these criteria, it is already possible to make an assumption about the location of the gastrointestinal bleeding source: If it is fresh blood, the source of bleeding is in the lower gastrointestinal … What does the color of the blood say? | Blood in the stool

What to do if there’s blood in the stool? | Blood in the stool

What to do if there’s blood in the stool? A doctor should always be consulted if there is blood in the stool. Of course, the type of treatment always depends on the type of cause, so that no general measure can be named that should always be taken. In principle, the source of bleeding must … What to do if there’s blood in the stool? | Blood in the stool

Blood in stool in children | Blood in the stool

Blood in stool in children Blood in the stool is very rarely found in children. If bloody stools are detected, this usually occurs as part of a gastrointestinal infection. The trigger is usually bacteria, including EHEC, Salmonella and Shigella. Parasitic diseases and food poisoning can also lead to bloody diarrhoea. Infections are usually caused by … Blood in stool in children | Blood in the stool