Lung diseases with respiratory problems | Breathing

Lung diseases with respiratory problems

There are different forms of asthma (bronchial asthma). The most common form is allergic asthma. In this case, an allergy-triggering irritant (allergen) causes histamine (see above) to constrict the branches of the lungs (bronchi).

It is characteristic that the inhaled air can no longer leave the lungs. A characteristic sign of the disease is shortness of breath. Pneumonia is usually caused by bacteria.

Inflammatory infiltrates (defence cells and bacteria) lead to filling of the alveoli, which are then no longer available for gas exchange. Characteristic signs of disease are:

  • Fever
  • Cough
  • Shortness of breath

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (pulmo) disease (desease) is caused in particular by smoking. Especially the inhalation of air is made more difficult by permanent constriction of the bronchi.

Its characteristic signs of illness are shortness of breath, sputum and coughing. Lung cancer is also mainly caused by smoking and in most cases leads to the death of the patient. There are no typical symptoms unique to lung cancer.