Medical history

The medical history plays an important role in the diagnosis of diseases and is usually carried out by a doctor or other medical personnel. It is the targeted asking of questions with the aim of obtaining all relevant medical background information that is important for making a correct diagnosis or therapy. However, the anamnesis is … Medical history

Vegetative anamnesis | Medical history

Vegetative anamnesis The vegetative anamnesis deals with the purely physical background of the complaints. These include weight changes in both directions in recent months, sleep disturbances, appetite, allergies, as well as bowel movements and urination. For women, the vegetative anamnesis also includes questions about menstruation. Medical history The medication anamnesis is an important part of … Vegetative anamnesis | Medical history

Special features | Medical history

Special features In certain situations, priority is given to anamnesis. For example, the emergency services use a less detailed medical history, which only deals with the things that are important for the acute, possibly life-threatening situation. A foreign anamnesis, i.e. an anamnesis of a person who cannot or does not want to answer questions for … Special features | Medical history

Dietetics: Treatment, Effect & Risks

Originally called dietetics all measures to cure and maintain health, today the term includes the advice or care of people with regard to their diet, whereby certain diseases are to be cured. What is dietetics? The term dietetics includes all nutritional therapeutic measures that aim to prevent or treat diseases. The term dietetics includes all … Dietetics: Treatment, Effect & Risks

Antibiotics for pneumonia

Introduction Pneumonia is almost always caused by a bacterial infection. The pathogens are transmitted by coughing or sneezing and cause an inflammation of the lower respiratory tract. The most common triggers include pneumococcus in adults, and bacteria of the genus Haemophilus influenzae type b and Staphylococcus aureus in small children. Bacterial pneumonia is usually treated … Antibiotics for pneumonia

Which antibiotic is the best? | Antibiotics for pneumonia

Which antibiotic is the best? In the case of pneumonia, the drug of choice is an antibiotic from the group of aminopenicillins (e.g. amoxicillin). However, which antibiotic works best in pneumonia depends on the patient’s age and concomitant diseases, his nicotine and alcohol consumption and the severity and cause of the infection. The most suitable … Which antibiotic is the best? | Antibiotics for pneumonia

Is it still contagious if you take antibiotics? | Antibiotics for pneumonia

Is it still contagious if you take antibiotics? The antibiotic kills the bacteria in the body or prevents them from multiplying. This improves the symptoms and the infection heals. Nevertheless, there are still living bacteria in the lungs for the duration of taking the antibiotic and patients are still potentially infectious. Can pneumonia be treated … Is it still contagious if you take antibiotics? | Antibiotics for pneumonia