Diagnosis | Adrenogenital syndrome

Diagnosis Specialized in metabolic disorders is a specialist who calls himself an endocrinologist, endocrinology is a subject of internal medicine. The endocrinologist makes a tentative diagnosis on the basis of the symptoms described and can then make the diagnosis using a special blood test. In this examination, a certain hormone precursor can be detected in … Diagnosis | Adrenogenital syndrome


Production of adrenaline: These stress hormones adrenaline and noradrenaline are produced in the adrenal medulla and in nerve cells starting from the amino acid tyrosine. With the help of enzymes, this is first converted into L-DOPA (L-dihydroxy-phenylalanine). Then dopamine, noradrenaline and adrenaline are produced enzymatically with the help of vitamins (C, B6), copper, folic acid … Adrenalin

Lower adrenaline | Adrenalin

Lower adrenaline Since adrenaline is one of the most effective factors in stress reactions, excessive release can have considerable consequences. People who have permanently excessive adrenaline levels suffer all the effects of the hormone as a permanent condition. Anxiety, a constant feeling of stress, high blood pressure, increased glucose levels and long-term cardiovascular problems are … Lower adrenaline | Adrenalin

Growth spurt

Definition A growth spurt is a significant increase in the speed of growth, usually related to the increase in height per unit of time. However, body weight and head circumference are also important for assessing growth in children. In humans, growth spurts usually occur preferentially at certain stages of life. Thus babies grow fastest immediately … Growth spurt