Pain behind the eye

Introduction Headaches are one of the most common clinical pictures in everyday practice. Chronic headaches also occur frequently in the population. The pain can be present in very different regions of the head. The pain often drags behind one or both eyes, sometimes it is less dragging than localized. Pain as a leading symptom Pain … Pain behind the eye

Joint Pain

Joints – General Joints are more or less flexible connections between at least two bone surfaces. There are different types of joints, which can differ in their structure and range of motion. From an anatomical point of view, they can be roughly divided into “real” and “fake” joints, in which again subtypes can be distinguished … Joint Pain

Type of joint pain | Joint Pain

Type of joint pain Joint pain can differ in its type and course. First of all, three groups of joint pain can be roughly distinguished according to their course. The first group consists of acute pain characterized by a sudden onset. They begin within hours. The second group is chronic pain, which is characterized by … Type of joint pain | Joint Pain

Common causes | Joint Pain

Common causes There are many conceivable causes for joint pain. However, it is very difficult to distinguish all causes exactly from each other. The following is an overview of particularly common causes and their therapies: The so-called arthrosis is a wear and tear of the joints, which exceeds the usual level of age. Joints begin … Common causes | Joint Pain

Diagnosis | Joint Pain

Diagnosis The diagnosis of joint pain is based on several different procedures. First of all, there is a consultation with the family doctor, during which he gets an overall picture of the patient. Although the focus is on the joint pain, other important symptoms must also be considered in order to determine the exact cause. … Diagnosis | Joint Pain

Accompanying symptoms of pain in the finger end joint | Pain in the finger end joints

Accompanying symptoms of pain in the finger end joint Depending on the cause of the pain in the end of the finger joint, various accompanying symptoms can occur. In the early stages, siphoning arthrosis manifests itself with fatigue and stress pain, which can radiate.In the course of time, permanent pain, night pain, a severe restriction … Accompanying symptoms of pain in the finger end joint | Pain in the finger end joints

The diagnosis of pain in the finger end joints | Pain in the finger end joints

The diagnosis of pain in the finger end joints Pain in the end joints of the fingers is a symptom that can be caused by various factors. In order to find the right diagnosis, the doctor first conducts a thorough discussion with the person affected about the character of the pain, accompanying symptoms and the … The diagnosis of pain in the finger end joints | Pain in the finger end joints

Which doctor will treat this? | Pain in the finger end joints

Which doctor will treat this? The long-term treatment of pain in the finger end joints depends on the cause of the complaints. Therefore, one should first contact the family doctor and talk in detail about the complaints and possible further diseases. An acute attack of gout can usually be treated well by the family doctor. … Which doctor will treat this? | Pain in the finger end joints

Tubal Catarrh

Background The mucosa-lined Eustachian tube (eustachian tube, tuba auditiva) is the connection between the nasopharynx and the tympanic cavity of the middle ear. Its main function is to equalize pressure between the middle ear and the external ambient pressure. The tube is normally closed and opens when swallowing or yawning. Two other important functions are … Tubal Catarrh

Painful finger joints

Introduction Pain in the finger joint can have many different causes. The pain can be the result of a traumatic injury or it can be of chronic origin. To have pain in the finger joint, the bone does not necessarily have to be affected. Depending on the age group, different injuries are predominant. Causes The … Painful finger joints