These drugs help with allergies

Introduction For the medicinal therapy of allergies, various active ingredients are used to suppress different components of the allergic reaction. One of these is the antihistamines. They are intended to prevent the release of the messenger substance histamine, which plays an important role in the reaction of the immune system. Allergies can also be treated … These drugs help with allergies

Beta-2 sympathomimetics | These drugs help with allergies

Beta-2 sympathomimetics Our vegetative nervous system, i.e. the nervous system that primarily influences internal body functions, is divided into two subclasses. One is the parasympathetic nervous system, which plays an important role in digestion and shuts down many other bodily functions such as the cardiovascular system. The sympathetic nervous system, on the other hand, has … Beta-2 sympathomimetics | These drugs help with allergies

Promethazine: Effects, Uses & Risks

Promethazine is a neuroleptic (actually an antihistamine) that produces sedative, antiallergic, antiemetic, and sleep-inducing effects. It is used primarily for the treatment of agitation states. What is promethazine? Promethazine (chemical molecular formula: C17H20N2S) belongs to the group of phenothiazines. It is a neuroleptic, but because of its mechanism of action, it actually belongs to the … Promethazine: Effects, Uses & Risks

Flu Vaccine

Products Influenza vaccines are commercially available as injectables from a variety of suppliers in many countries. Structure and properties Vaccines licensed in many countries contain inactivated influenza virus surface antigens, hemagglutinin and neuraminidase, according to annual WHO recommendations. Since the viruses change slightly on an ongoing basis, continuous adaptation is necessary. The vaccines are so-called … Flu Vaccine

Celery Allergy

Symptoms The possible symptoms of celery allergy include: Oral reactions: Itching, irritation, swelling, furry feeling. Gastrointestinal symptoms: Abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea Respiratory problems: Asthma, rhinitis Skin reactions: Itching, hives, rash. Celery can cause life-threatening anaphylaxis in sensitive individuals. Causes The cause of the symptoms is an IgE-mediated allergic reaction to components of celery ( from … Celery Allergy

Dry Mouth: Causes, Treatment & Help

Dry mouth is an experience that everyone has had at one time or another and could fix by drinking. But what if the mouth remains permanently dry or even other symptoms such as pain when chewing, swallowing or speaking are added? Then the medical profession speaks of xerostomia or dry mouth. What is dry mouth? … Dry Mouth: Causes, Treatment & Help

Oak Processionary Moth Allergy: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

The oak processionary moth is a moth that is particularly comfortable in warmer climates. Due to climate change, it is also moving further north into more northerly areas. The hairs of the caterpillar of the oak processionary moth trigger strong allergic reactions, the so-called oak processionary moth allergy, in many people. What is oak processionary … Oak Processionary Moth Allergy: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Midodrine: Effects, Uses & Risks

Midodrine, known by the trade name Gutron, is used as a drug to treat orthostatic hypotension (low blood pressure). It is a so-called prodrug whose breakdown product (desglymidodrine) is the actual active ingredient. What is midodrine? Midodrine is used as a drug to treat orthostatic hypotension (low blood pressure). After use, midodrine is converted to … Midodrine: Effects, Uses & Risks