Immune System

Synonyms in the broadest sense innate immune defence, acquired immune defence, endogenous defence system, antibodies, bone marrow, thymus, spleen, lymph nodes, complement system, monocytes, granulocytes, mast cells, macrophages, killer cells, lymph cells, lymphocytes, B cells, T cells, CD8+ cells, T helper cells, dendritic cells, lymphatic system Definition The immune system is a system developed over … Immune System

The acquired immune system | Immune System

The acquired immune system The acquired immune system consists of two components: the so-called humoral immune response/immune system, which leads to the formation of antibodies (see below), and the cellular immune response/immune system, which leads to the destruction of the affected pathogen via so-called cytotoxic cells. The lymph cells (lymphocytes) are extremely important for the … The acquired immune system | Immune System


Synonyms Poliomyelitis, Polio Introduction Polio (poliomyelitis, “polio”) is an infectious disease that belongs to the so-called childhood diseases. It is caused by polioviruses. When unvaccinated, these can cause paralysis by infecting muscle-controlling nerve cells of the spinal cord. The clinical picture can be very different and can range from mild or asymptomatic symptoms to pronounced … Poliomyelitis

Diagnostics | Poliomyelitis

Diagnostics The viruses can be detected in stool, saliva or cerebrospinal fluid. The corresponding antibodies are also found in serum. There is no possibility of drug therapy. For this reason, intensive care and bed rest as well as physiotherapy are the main focus. Analgesics and anti-inflammatory drugs can be used to alleviate the symptoms. If … Diagnostics | Poliomyelitis

Vaccination against polio | Poliomyelitis

Vaccination against polio Poliomyelitis is caused by an infection with the poliovirus. There is a vaccination against the poliovirus. This vaccination is a dead vaccine and contains inactivated parts of the poliovirus. According to the STIKO (permanent vaccination commission of the Robert Koch Institute), basic immunization is planned after the second month of life, the … Vaccination against polio | Poliomyelitis

Polychondritis: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Polychondritis is a disease of the cartilage. The disease occurs with a very low frequency in the population. In some cases, polychondritis is also known as panchondritis and polychondritis atropicans. The disease is associated with rheumatic factors. Typical for polychondritis are inflammations of the cartilage, which occur again and again. In this way, the stability … Polychondritis: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment