How do B lymphocytes mature? | What are B lymphocytes?

How do B lymphocytes mature? B lymphocytes are formed in the bone marrow from so-called blood stem cells (hematopoietic stem cells). These cells can still develop into all blood cells. However, in the course of development into fully mature cells (differentiation) they lose this ability. Pro-B cells represent a further stage in the development of … How do B lymphocytes mature? | What are B lymphocytes?

Antibody Therapy

What is an antibody therapy? Antibodies are protein molecules that are produced by the B cells of the human body. They play an important role in the immune system, as they can mark pathogens that have entered the body or damaged the body’s own structures, for example, and thus facilitate elimination by other defence cells. … Antibody Therapy

The Therapy | Antibody Therapy

The Therapy When a decision has been made in favour of antibody therapy in the context of a disease, a number of preliminary examinations must first be carried out. These should exclude health problems that would speak against the implementation of antibody therapy. The antibodies are administered in the form of injections or infusions, often … The Therapy | Antibody Therapy

Wheat Allergy

Introduction Wheat allergy is an allergic reaction of the body to foods containing wheat. When the body ingests wheat products, an immune reaction occurs in which increased amounts of antibodies (in this case IgE (immunoglobin E)) are produced, which react to protein components of wheat. This has effects in various parts of the body. These … Wheat Allergy

Therapy | Wheat Allergy

Therapy Since the symptoms of wheat allergy are caused by the consumption of products containing wheat, the therapy consists in abstaining from all foods containing wheat. There are no tablets that can be taken in addition to eating foods containing wheat. Therefore it is important to follow a wheat-free diet. It should be noted that … Therapy | Wheat Allergy

Prognosis | Wheat Allergy

Prognosis If the diagnosis of a wheat allergy exists, it must be expected that it lasts a lifetime, since the cells of the immune system, which react to the allergen (i.e. the allergy-causing substance) wheat, are permanently in the body. With a corresponding change in diet, however, a relatively pain-free normal life can be led. … Prognosis | Wheat Allergy

Autoimmune diseases of the intestine | What is an autoimmune disease?

Autoimmune diseases of the intestine Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis are counted among the autoimmune diseases of the intestine. Both diseases are chronic inflammatory reactions of the intestinal mucosa. A characteristic feature of Crohn’s disease is the irregular infestation of the mucous membrane from the mouth to the anus. The disease is most frequently localized … Autoimmune diseases of the intestine | What is an autoimmune disease?

Lupus | What is an autoimmune disease?

Lupus Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is a collagenosis. It is characterized by inflammatory reactions in the entire body, which can be in acute or chronic phases. In addition to the systemic form, there are others that are restricted to the skin. Autoantibodies, so-called ANA (antinuclear antibodies) and an increased number of inflammatory cells can be … Lupus | What is an autoimmune disease?

What is an autoimmune disease?

Introduction The term autoimmune disease summarizes a whole group of different diseases. It describes an overreaction of the cells of our immune system to the body’s own cells, which leads to damage of the respective organ. Our immune system is imprinted in the thymus at the beginning of human development. This organ plays a central … What is an autoimmune disease?

Symptoms of an autoimmune disease | What is an autoimmune disease?

Symptoms of an autoimmune disease The symptoms at the beginning of an autoimmune disease are usually unspecific and often not recognized as such. Characteristic symptoms for certain autoimmune diseases do not usually appear. The symptoms that occur include skin symptoms such as itching, rash and redness. In some cases, affected persons complain of vegetative symptoms, … Symptoms of an autoimmune disease | What is an autoimmune disease?

Autoimmune diseases of the thyroid gland | What is an autoimmune disease?

Autoimmune diseases of the thyroid gland Autoimmune diseases can also affect the skin as part of a systemic disease or be limited to the skin alone. The so-called collagenoses are not only directed against the skin, but also against other body structures. These include scleroderma, a hardening of the skin that can spread to other … Autoimmune diseases of the thyroid gland | What is an autoimmune disease?