Home Remedies for Cramps

More suddenly it is there, a stabbing pain in the calves or a pulling in the stomach. These cramps bother many people today. Sometimes these cramps last for several hours or disappear as quickly as they came. As versatile as these cramps are, so are their treatment methods. Again and again the question arises, which … Home Remedies for Cramps

Colitis: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Significant functions of the human organism are attributed to the large intestine with digestion and immune defense. Therefore, it is all the more problematic when inflammation develops in the colon. This is because inflammation of the colon is characterized by severe symptoms in acute phases, which can result in life-threatening complications if not treated. What … Colitis: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Appendectomy: Treatment, Effect & Risks

Appendectomy is the surgical removal of the appendix vermiformis. The procedure is used when there is inflammation of the appendix vermiformis. What is appendectomy? Appendectomy is when the appendix vermiformis is surgically removed. Appendectomy is when the appendix vermiformis is surgically removed. This is done when there is inflammation of the appendix. Most people refer … Appendectomy: Treatment, Effect & Risks

Appendicitis: Inflammation of the Appendix

Symptoms Appendicitis manifests as pain in the lower abdomen, which often begins in the area of the belly button, worsens, and moves to the lower right side of the abdomen within 24 hours. The pain increases with movement and with coughing. Possible accompanying symptoms include digestive disturbances such as nausea, vomiting, lack of appetite, bloating, … Appendicitis: Inflammation of the Appendix

Alexandrian Senna: Applications, Treatments, Health Benefits

Alexandrian senna (Senna alexandrina) belongs to the legume family and can be found in Arabia and Africa, respectively. In the 19th century, the leaves of the plant were used as a laxative, but its active ingredients were also injected into the connective tissue under the skin. Occurrence and cultivation of Alexandrian senna. The plant is … Alexandrian Senna: Applications, Treatments, Health Benefits

The accompanying symptoms | Diarrhea and fever

The accompanying symptoms The symptoms that accompany diarrhea and fever are usually other general symptoms. For example, diarrhea is often accompanied by abdominal pain and flatulence. The abdominal pain can be so severe that stomach and abdominal cramps develop. Headaches can also occur, especially if the infection means that not enough fluid is absorbed. Fever … The accompanying symptoms | Diarrhea and fever

The duration | Diarrhea and fever

The duration How long the symptoms of diarrhea and fever last depends strongly on the cause. Infectious triggers such as spoiled food and viruses are usually healed after a few days without consequences. Bacterial diarrheal diseases also usually heal within seven to ten days without complications, occasionally the administration of antibiotics is necessary. An appendicitis … The duration | Diarrhea and fever

Pain in the navel

Introduction Pain in the region of the navel can have various causes. Besides mostly harmless causes, such as growth pain or psychological causes, an umbilical hernia or appendicitis can also be behind the pain. Causes Pain in the region of the navel can have many different causes. In general, gastrointestinal complaints can manifest themselves in … Pain in the navel