Aftercare for nasal septum surgery | Nasal vaginal wall OP

Aftercare for nasal septum surgery

After the nasal wall surgery, comprehensive care of the nose is very important. The measures are shown to the patient. The patient must then carry out the care measures and instructions conscientiously at home.

To prevent bacterial pathogens from settling in the nose, a nasal rinsing must be carried out at least 3 times a day. Afterwards the nose should always be gently rubbed with a nasal ointment recommended by the doctor. These measures serve to prevent crust formation and promote the healing process.

In order to keep the nasal mucous membrane moist, a nasal spray can be used as required. However, the spray should be used sparingly and only for a short time. The other care measures should be carried out for at least 2 weeks.

After that, the rinses can be slowly reduced. In case of doubt, the treating physician should be consulted. In addition, it is important that the patient avoids everything that increases blood pressure in the head area in the first 2 weeks after the operation.

For example, hot showers or hot baths should be avoided. Frequent bending or lifting of heavy loads should be avoided. The patient should stay away from sunbathing, sauna facilities, strong coffee and alcohol consumption for at least the first 2 weeks after the operation.

Blows, knocks or pressure on the nose should be avoided. Glasses should also not be worn at first. Contact lenses, on the other hand, may normally be worn again directly.

When is it allowed to do sports again after a nasal septum operation?

In the first 2-3 weeks, physical stress and strain should be strictly avoided. Accordingly, the patient should also take a break from any kind of sports for 2-3 weeks.Since sport can also cause an increase in blood pressure in the head, this can affect the healing process of the nose. If sport is resumed too early, not only can the success of the operation be destroyed, but there is also a risk of complications.

In the first few days in particular, it is very important to have as much physical rest as possible. Later, regular exercise, in the sense of walking without effort, is allowed, as long as it is good for the patient. However, all sports activities should be avoided for at least 2-3 weeks.

To avoid complications, the patient should follow the instructions. Before starting to practice sports again, the patient should consult the doctor. If uncertainties or complications arise beforehand, the doctor should be informed and consulted directly.