
Meditonsin® is a homeopathic remedy for colds. It is available in pharmacies, but not on prescription, and is therefore available over the counter. Meditonsin® is a homeopathic tri-complex of the three natural, complementary active ingredients: Aconitinum, Atropinum sulfuricum and Mercurius cyanatus. Mode of action Meditonsin® contains the three active ingredients listed above. Each of them … Meditonsin

Cautious use | Meditonsin

Cautious use Under certain circumstances Meditonsin® can be taken, but special care is required. Caution is required when using: If any of the above symptoms occur, please consult your doctor. Children under the age of seven months should not receive Meditonsin® as there is insufficient documented experience. As mentioned above, children between seven months and … Cautious use | Meditonsin