How do I get rid of pus pimples on my shoulder? | Pimples on the shoulder

How do I get rid of pus pimples on my shoulder?

Pus spots should generally not be expressed. Pressing can increase the inflammation and delay healing. In addition, the inflammation usually leads to increased pain.

If it is a single pus pimple, various home remedies can be used to dry and clean it. This can be done, for example, by dabbing with tea tree oil, chamomile or disinfectants. If it is a matter of heat spots that have appeared after exposure to the sun, the sun should first be avoided.

Furthermore, the sun cream should be changed, sun creams for sensitive skin are especially suitable. If acne vulgaris is suspected, a doctor should be consulted. There are various creams and active ingredients (antibiotics, benzoyl peroxide, retinoids) that can be applied locally to the acne areas. The oral intake of antibiotics or isotretinoin is also possible for severe acne. You can find more information on this topic at: How to get rid of pimples


Pus pimples on the front shoulder are particularly noticeable. However, if they sit at the back, they can also only become noticeable when pressure is applied to the pimples. For example, they become painful when lying on the back.

Particularly large and inflamed pimples can disturb sleep through pain. Pimples are often sensitive to touch. They also feel raised and bulging.

If it is a very large pus pimple, it can cause tension in the area where it sits when moving. If the pimple is pushed around, the pimple can become inflamed further and the swelling can increase. However, pain is not a must.

Pimples can also cause no symptoms in rare cases. The intensity of the pain can vary. The skin on the shoulder has fewer nerves compared to other regions.

Therefore, pain is often not as severe as in the face, for example. The pain is often felt when the pus pimple is touched. If it is a bulging pimple, with severe swelling, it can also cause a pulsating, exciting pain.