TreatmentTherapy | Cruciate ligament overstretched

TreatmentTherapy Unlike a torn ligament, overstretching does not require surgery. In case of acute overstretching, it is important to cool the ligament with ice immediately after the injury to prevent knee swelling. It also relieves the pain that occurs. As a further measure against swelling, the knee should not be loaded and should be elevated. … TreatmentTherapy | Cruciate ligament overstretched

Duration of a torn muscle fiber on the upper arm | Torn muscle fiber of the upper arm

Duration of a torn muscle fiber on the upper arm Depending on the extent and severity of the ruptured muscle fiber, the time until complete healing occurs and full loading of the affected muscle is possible again varies considerably. But also the early treatment including cooling and protection is of crucial importance for the regeneration … Duration of a torn muscle fiber on the upper arm | Torn muscle fiber of the upper arm

Bump on the shin

What’s a bump on the shin? In layman’s terms, a bump on the shinbone is any kind of swelling under or in the skin of the front lower leg. The bump can have different causes and originate from different structures. Due to the fact that the bone on the shin is covered over a large … Bump on the shin

Diagnosis | Bump on the shin

Diagnosis When diagnosing a bump on the lower leg, specific questions are most important, which the doctor will also ask during his examinations. First of all, it is decisive whether there is a recognisable cause for the development of the bump. If it is the result of a minor injury, there is usually no disease … Diagnosis | Bump on the shin

Duration | Bump on the shin

Duration The length of time for which a bump on the shin is present is in most cases limited to a few days to a few weeks. In most cases it is a harmless water retention, for example after an injury, which causes the swelling. This is quickly and completely reabsorbed by the body, so … Duration | Bump on the shin