
Synonyms in a broader sense Medical term: Balbuties Definition Stuttering (Balbuties) describes a disturbance in the flow of speech. The flow of speech is often interrupted by repetitions of sounds and word syllables. A coordination disturbance of the speech musculature dominates. Causes of stuttering The causes of stuttering are still not completely understood. One assumes … Stuttering

Diagnosis | Stuttering

Diagnosis If stuttering is noticeable in a child, one should not wait for a sole improvement – this is usually never the case! Early therapy can stop or, in the best case, eliminate later difficulties in speaking. A detailed consultation as well as diagnosis takes place at a specialist (for pediatrics – ear, nose and … Diagnosis | Stuttering

What does stuttering therapy for children look like? | Stuttering

What does stuttering therapy for children look like? Not every child who stutters needs therapy. Especially in young childhood there is a high spontaneous healing rate in stuttering children. However, if a child becomes mentally conspicuous or develops behavioral patterns to avoid speaking, stuttering therapy should be considered. Often stuttering therapy then takes the form … What does stuttering therapy for children look like? | Stuttering

Speech therapy | Stuttering

Speech therapy There are no drugs against stuttering itself yet. Nevertheless, drugs against tension and anxiety (fear) can ease certain situations and thus improve the symptoms. The best advice on this can be given by child and youth psychiatrists. They have a wealth of experience in anxiety therapy and know the spectrum of anxiety-relieving drugs … Speech therapy | Stuttering