Forecast | Blood in urine


The prognosis depends on the underlying disease. Blood in urine” is the presence of red blood cells (erythrocytes) in the urine, which is a symptom of various diseases. Depending on whether the urine is visibly reddish, a distinction is made between micro- and macrohaematuria (see Causes of blood in urine).

In the former, such a colour is not visible to the naked eye. Diseases causing blood in the urine affect the kidneys, the urinary tract (ureter, urethra), the bladder or the prostate, whereby inflammation, stones or tumours of these structures usually cause the bloody urine. Non-pathological reasons for red coloration of the urine can be female menstruation, certain foods (beetroot) or medication.

Besides the medical history and physical examination, the diagnosis is mainly based on blood diagnostics including urine diagnostics, imaging procedures (ultrasound, excretory urography, CT) and bladder examination (cystoscopy). In the case of blood in urine, the underlying disease is treated, which also determines the prognosis. This could also be of interest to you: Urine colour – what is behind it?