Sebaceous glands on the testicles | Sebaceous gland

Sebaceous glands on the testicles Sebaceous glands also appear on the scrotum and can be enlarged here, especially during puberty. Inflammations occur very rarely, however. Frequently sebaceous glands on the testicles are mistakenly confused with pimples or even warts. These are small bright spots, which are usually evenly distributed on the testicles.They are neither itchy … Sebaceous glands on the testicles | Sebaceous gland

Fruit acid peeling

What is a fruit acid peeling? Fruit acid peeling is one of the chemical peelings for external application in aesthetic dermatology. Irritating fruit acids in various concentrations are applied to the skin and penetrate the uppermost skin layers to different depths depending on their strength. The peeling is often used for age-related wrinkles, acne, pigment … Fruit acid peeling

Mode of action | Fruit acid peeling

Mode of action Fruit acid peelings belong to the mild chemical peelings. In comparison to mechanical peelings, they do not only have an external effect, but penetrate into deeper skin layers. Mainly so-called AHA (Alpha-Hydroxy-Acid) peelings are used, more precisely the so-called glycolic acid. Glycolic acid is an acid extracted from sugar cane which is … Mode of action | Fruit acid peeling

Does a dermatologist have to do this or can you do it yourself? | Fruit acid peeling

Does a dermatologist have to do this or can you do it yourself? In principle, many products containing fruit acid are offered online, but also in pharmacies or other stores – including fruit acid peelings. These freely available products often have a lower acid concentration than medical products. This means that they are not as … Does a dermatologist have to do this or can you do it yourself? | Fruit acid peeling

Is the application possible during pregnancy and lactation? | Fruit acid peeling

Is the application possible during pregnancy and lactation? Fruit acid peelings are not recommended during pregnancy and lactation. Animal experiments have shown a correlation between the glycolic acid most commonly used in fruit acid peelings and malformations. Detailed clinical studies are not yet available. In exceptional cases, a single low-dose treatment may be necessary. In … Is the application possible during pregnancy and lactation? | Fruit acid peeling

What is the best way to remove blackheads? | Blackheads – How to get rid of them!

What is the best way to remove blackheads? There are a variety of ways to best remove the annoying blackheads. However, the black spots should not simply be squeezed out with the fingers, as otherwise pathogens can easily penetrate the sebaceous gland and lead to infection. In the pharmacy and drugstore there are numerous products … What is the best way to remove blackheads? | Blackheads – How to get rid of them!

Blackheads in the “T-Zone | Blackheads – How to get rid of them!

Blackheads in the “T-Zone Blackheads are recognizable as small black or white spots that lie in the skin. Blackheads are harmless skin impurities that have no disease value per se and are rarely associated with other symptoms. In some cases the blackheads can become inflamed and purulent pimples or papules form. If the pustules are … Blackheads in the “T-Zone | Blackheads – How to get rid of them!

Oily skin and pimples

Definition Oily skin and pimples are an everyday problem for many people. However, it is very difficult to give an exact definition, because everyone has a different feeling for pure and impure skin. Some people find even slightly oily skin disturbing, while others see it as more of an expression of acne. In technical terminology, … Oily skin and pimples