What is the best way to remove blackheads? | Blackheads – How to get rid of them!

What is the best way to remove blackheads?

There are a variety of ways to best remove the annoying blackheads. However, the black spots should not simply be squeezed out with the fingers, as otherwise pathogens can easily penetrate the sebaceous gland and lead to infection. In the pharmacy and drugstore there are numerous products that are supposed to work against blackheads.

The selection ranges from: Blackheads are best removed with consistent and mild facial cleansing. Especially for women, it is important that they thoroughly remove make-up residue every evening before going to bed, otherwise pores become blocked. Regular peelings support a clear skin texture and work against blackheads.

If a blackhead is to be specifically removed, it helps to open the pores with a warm towel or a steam bath before treatment. Then you can apply a cleansing mask or remove the blackhead with a device (vacuum cup or comedone squeezer).

  • Creams, masks and toners
  • Up to special devices such as comedone squeezers or vacuum cups.
  • There are also some home remedies such as tea tree oil, healing earth or zinc ointment that help against blackheads.

An effective remedy against blackheads are face masks.

Recently there has been a real hype about black peel-off masks for blackhead removal. These masks contain activated carbon or mineral mud and are used for deep cleansing of the skin. The paste is generously applied to the face or the desired area of skin and then left to dry for about 30 minutes.

Afterwards the mask can be easily removed from the skin. The blackheads adhere optimally to the mask and are simply pulled out of the skin by pulling it off. Before buying the mask, however, you should check the list of contents of the mask for harmful substances, this is especially recommended for purchases on the Internet.

In addition, the mask should not be used for acne or allergies. You can also mix masks against blackheads at home. An effective mask against skin impurities is a mixture of lemon juice, yoghurt and honey.Alternatively, you can make a paste from baking soda and water and apply it thickly to the face.

After drying, the dried residues are washed off thoroughly. To treat or prevent blackheads, it is recommended that the mask (whichever one you choose) be applied once or twice a week. Especially for the removal of blackheads the Comedone Squeezer or also called “Black Head Remover” is used.

This is a steel device with a loop at the front and a flat side at the back. With the flat side, blackheads can be squeezed out. The loop is used to remove mature spots.

With a little practice the device works very well, but you have to use it carefully. If you press too hard, the sebum can quickly be squeezed into the skin, become inflamed and the skin may end up looking worse than before. After each application the comedone squeezer must be cleaned and preferably disinfected with alcohol.

Recently, special devices have been developed to remove blackheads easily and hygienically. These are so-called blackhead suckers, which are designed to suck dirt and blockages out of the skin under vacuum. Before use, the face is treated with a warm towel to open the pores.

The devices work simply and relatively well. However, it is important not to suck on the same spot for too long, as this can cause small bruises and burst veins. After use, the device should be thoroughly cleaned and possibly also disinfected to prevent infection the next time it is used.

Certain agents are considered “blackhead killers”. For example, a paste of toothpaste and alcohol is said to work wonders and quickly clear blocked pores of blackheads. However, the use of such blackhead killers is not recommended, as they are often very aggressive mixtures that can damage the skin.

Blackheads are best expressed with special comedone squeezers, otherwise bacteria can easily get into the skin and cause inflamed pimples. In rare cases this can also lead to an abscess. This is an encapsulated accumulation of pus which can lead to further complications (for example blood poisoning or brain abscess). It is generally not recommended to squeeze blackheads with a lot of pressure, as this also forces inflammatory sebum into the surrounding tissue and can lead to inflammation. This may also be of interest to you: Household remedy against pimples