Bruising: Causes, Treatment & Help

A hematoma, bruise, or simply bruise is a leakage of blood from an injured blood vessel. This blood then accumulates in body tissue or in a pre-existing body cavity. Colloquially, a bruise is also called a blue spot and, in the eye, a violet. What is a bruise? In medical terminology, a bruise is called … Bruising: Causes, Treatment & Help

Scabbing | Uterine cyst

Scabbing A uterine abrasion is also called curettage or abrasion. The gynaecologist can use either a so-called sharp spoon (abrasio) or a blunt spoon (curettage) for the scraping. The doctor can extract tissue from the uterus by scraping and then have it histologically (tissue-technical) examined. In this way it can be assessed whether the cyst … Scabbing | Uterine cyst

Uterine cyst

How dangerous is that? A cyst in the uterus is not uncommon and, at first, is not a cause for concern. Since cysts also fall under the umbrella term “tumor”, many women initially suspect something bad. However, a cyst is a cavity filled with fluid. In this context, “tumor” merely refers to the swelling caused … Uterine cyst

Homeopathy | Uterine cyst

Homeopathy In addition to the hormone preparations, plant-based homeopathic remedies can also be used for cyst therapy. These homeopathic remedies usually contain bee venom (apitoxin), which often leads to success. The bee poison attacks the membrane of the cyst and brings these so gently to bursting. This form of therapy has no side effects and … Homeopathy | Uterine cyst