Osteosynthesis: Treatment, Effect & Risks

Osteosynthesis is the name given to a surgical procedure for the treatment of bone fractures. The individual bone fractures are reunited using various tools such as nails, screws, plates and wires. What is osteosynthesis? Osteosynthesis is a generic term for various surgical procedures to reunite broken bones. Through the use of various connecting aids, the … Osteosynthesis: Treatment, Effect & Risks

Descending Palatine Artery: Structure, Function & Diseases

The descending palatine artery (descending palatal artery) is a thin extension of the maxillary artery (maxillary artery). This artery, on the other hand, opens into the external carotid artery (external carotid artery), which is directly connected to the oral cavity. The external carotid artery branches off from the common carotid artery (carotid artery) and the … Descending Palatine Artery: Structure, Function & Diseases

Ascending Pharyngeal Artery: Structure, Function & Diseases

The ascending pharyngeal artery (ascending pharyngeal artery) is a smaller branch of the external carotid artery (carotid artery) with the latter branching off from the common carotid artery (greater carotid artery). The ascending pharyngeal artery provides blood flow to the pharynx and, with the help of a connection with the larger arteries that supply the … Ascending Pharyngeal Artery: Structure, Function & Diseases

Osteopathy: Treatment, Effect & Risks

Due to a modern lifestyle characterized by lack of movement and frequent sitting, many people suffer from back pain, headaches and associated unclear complaints. Precisely because no isolated symptom can be localized, holistic healing methods such as osteopathy then come to the attention of those seeking help. Doctors also frequently regard these treatment approaches as … Osteopathy: Treatment, Effect & Risks

Heart Attack: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Heart attack, heart attack or myocardial infarction is often a life-threatening and acute disease of the heart. It involves the death (infarction) of heart tissue or heart muscle (myocardium). The subsequent circulatory disturbance (ischemia) leads to the well-known myocardial infarction. What is a heart attack? Infographic on the anatomy and causes of cardiovascular diseases such … Heart Attack: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Heart Attack Risk in Women and Men

The heart attack increases numerically, so is reported in the professional journals from all over the world for quite some time. If one leafs thereupon once in medical statistics, one finds the confirmation for it in the exact numerical material. It is undisputed that the entire complex of cardiovascular diseases, which includes heart attacks, ranks … Heart Attack Risk in Women and Men