Is it possible to stimulate ovulation? | Ovulation

Is it possible to stimulate ovulation? Ovulation can be promoted within the framework of fertility treatment. However, this is not possible in a natural way or with household remedies. Women who do not become pregnant despite repeated, unprotected sexual intercourse can use hormone therapy to promote ovulation. The pregnancy hormone HCG is used to induce … Is it possible to stimulate ovulation? | Ovulation

Can you see ovulation in ultrasound? | Ovulation

Can you see ovulation in ultrasound? Ovulation is not visible in ultrasound because the egg cell is smaller than the structures shown in ultrasound. All articles in this series: Ovulation How can you detect ovulation? Is it possible to postpone ovulation? Menstruation How long after ovulation are you fertile? Is it possible to stimulate ovulation? … Can you see ovulation in ultrasound? | Ovulation

At what temperature should I give a fever suppository? | Fever suppositories for babies and children

At what temperature should I give a fever suppository? In babies and children without chronic diseases, fever suppositories should be given from a rectally measured body temperature above 39.5°C. It should be noted that fever is important for combating various pathogens. Fever below 39.5°C should therefore not be treated. In children and babies who have … At what temperature should I give a fever suppository? | Fever suppositories for babies and children

How often may I give a fever suppository? | Fever suppositories for babies and children

How often may I give a fever suppository? With fever suppositories it is important to choose the correct dosage. With ibuprofen and paracetamol suppositories it depends on the weight of the child. A single paracetamol suppository should contain 10-15 mg per kilogram of child’s body weight. A child weighing 15 kg should therefore receive a … How often may I give a fever suppository? | Fever suppositories for babies and children

Weleda | Fever suppositories for babies and children

Weleda Fever suppositories of the company “Weleda AG” are homeopathic remedies containing the active ingredients belladonna, chamomile, opium poppy and coneflower. According to the manufacturer they have a fever-reducing, anti-inflammatory, pain-relieving, sleep-promoting and strengthening effect on the immune system. The effect of Weleda® fever suppositories has not yet been proven by meaningful studies, which is … Weleda | Fever suppositories for babies and children

Kissing is Healthy

A person shares up to 100,000 kisses in a 70-year lifetime. These tendernesses are well invested: After all, kissing is not only fun, it’s also healthy. And if a kiss is intense enough, it even burns calories. But kissing also has an influence on blood pressure, the immune system and the production of stress hormones. … Kissing is Healthy


Synonym Time zone hangover, circadian dysrhythmia Definition The term “jet lag” refers to a disturbance of the sleep-wake rhythm, which occurs mainly after long-haul flights over several time zones. People who fly from one continent to another impose a new time zone on their body. Complaints arising from this are summarized under the term “jet … Jetlag