How often may I give a fever suppository? | Fever suppositories for babies and children

How often may I give a fever suppository?

With fever suppositories it is important to choose the correct dosage. With ibuprofen and paracetamol suppositories it depends on the weight of the child. A single paracetamol suppository should contain 10-15 mg per kilogram of child’s body weight.

A child weighing 15 kg should therefore receive a dose of 150-225 mg paracetamol. This dose may be administered 4 times a day at the same interval – every 6 hours. Ibuprofen suppositories should contain a dose of 7.5-10 mg per kilogram body weight. Accordingly, a 20 kg child should be given a suppository containing 150-200 mg ibuprofen. Again, the dose can be repeated every 6 hours, i.e. 4 times a day.

Price of fever suppositories

If fever suppositories are prescribed by a doctor, the costs for children up to the age of 12 are fully covered by the health insurance. However, as they are not subject to prescription, they can also be purchased without a prescription. In this case the price is not regulated by law – every pharmacy is allowed to offer fever suppositories at a different price.

It depends on the manufacturer, the dose and the quantity. 10 suppositories usually cost between 1 and 8 euros, 20 between 5 and 15 euros. It can be worthwhile to search for offers in online pharmacies. However, delivery costs are often so high that a purchase in online pharmacies is only worthwhile if several drugs are purchased at the same time.


“Nurofen®” is a trademark of the company “Reckitt Benckiser Deutschland GmbH”. It sells various drugs under the name Nurofen®. These include fever suppositories containing the active ingredient ibuprofen.

They are available in dosages of 60 mg and 125 mg, with the lower dosage being suitable for children weighing 6 kg or more. Like all ibuprofen-containing suppositories, they have a fever-reducing, analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect. If fever persists for a longer period of time, they can be given up to 4 times a day. If a child shows unusually severe or long-lasting symptoms, it should be presented to a doctor before Nurofen® suppositories are administered – these can alleviate symptoms and give the doctor a more harmless picture.