Sphingolipids: Function & Diseases

Sphingolipids are among the building blocks of the cell membrane, along with glycerophospholipids and cholesterol. Chemically, they are derived from sphingosine, an unsaturated amino alcohol with 18 carbon atoms. Mainly nervous system and brain are rich in sphingolipids. What are sphingolipids? All cell membranes contain glycerophospholipids, cholesterol and sphingolipids. Sphingolipids consist of the backbone sphingosine, … Sphingolipids: Function & Diseases

Black Cumin: Applications, Treatments, Health Benefits

The so-called true black cumin (lat. Nigella sativa) belongs to the family of buttercups and, contrary to its name, has nothing to do with the well-known spice caraway or cumin. Black cumin is known especially in the Islamic cultural circle, as its health-promoting properties are already mentioned in the Koran. Occurrence and cultivation of black … Black Cumin: Applications, Treatments, Health Benefits

Particulate Matter Pollution

Particulate matter is the term used to describe various solid as well as liquid particles that accumulate in the air and do not immediately sink to the ground. The term encompasses both so-called primary emitters, those produced by combustion, and secondary emitters, those produced by chemical processes. A distinction is made between PM10 fine dust … Particulate Matter Pollution

Intramedullary Nail Osteosynthesis: Treatment, Effects & Risks

Intramedullary nail osteosynthesis is a surgical procedure used to treat long bone fractures. In this method, the surgeon inserts an intramedullary nail into the medullary canal of the bone. What is intramedullary nail osteosynthesis? Intramedullary nail osteosynthesis is a surgical procedure used to treat long bone fractures. In this method, the surgeon inserts an intramedullary … Intramedullary Nail Osteosynthesis: Treatment, Effects & Risks

Megakaryocytes: Function & Diseases

Megakaryocytes are the precursor cells of platelets (blood thrombocytes). They are located in the bone marrow and are formed from pluripotent stem cells. Disorders in platelet formation lead to either thrombocythemia (uncontrolled platelet formation) or thrombocytopenia (decreased platelet formation). What are megakaryocytes? Megakaryocytes, as hematopoietic cells of the bone marrow, are the precursor cells of … Megakaryocytes: Function & Diseases