Boreout: Boredom At Work

According to the 2007 employment survey conducted by the Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health and the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training, almost one in seven employees in Germany feels underchallenged given their qualifications. Underdemand, boredom and disinterest characterize the state of dissatisfaction at work known as boreout. “Every now and then … Boreout: Boredom At Work

Boreout: Strategies

“If an employee suffers from monotony, if he even tries to cover this up or distract from it in front of his employer, then this is money thrown out,” says Renate Rau, Professor of Industrial and Organizational Psychology in Marburg. And it costs money: The overall economic damage in Germany is said to amount to … Boreout: Strategies

Boreout: What to Do?

Self-awareness is the very first step. If you feel you are suffering from boreout, the first thing you should do is honestly document for yourself what you spend your workdays doing. Techniker Krankenkasse recommends answering these questions honestly: How much is actually make-believe work? What is particularly boring? And what is fun? The second step … Boreout: What to Do?