Household remedy as laxative

There are different ways in which a remedy can function as a laxative. So there are different types of laxatives: For example, fiber from fruits, grains and vegetables absorb water, causing them to swell. This loosens the stool and stimulates intestinal activity. Cereal bran and psyllium are also well-known swelling household remedies that have an … Household remedy as laxative

Burning after bowel movement at the anus | Burning after bowel movement

Burning after bowel movement at the anus If the burning sensation during or after bowel movements is mainly felt in the area of the anus, this often indicates a problem of the mucous membrane in this area or directly in the rectum above the sphincter. If, for example, small tears in the mucous membrane of … Burning after bowel movement at the anus | Burning after bowel movement

Burning after bowel movement after spicy food | Burning after bowel movement

Burning after bowel movement after spicy food If the burning sensation after defecation occurs once after eating, so it can definitely be related to the food, for example, various spices, especially hot spices, can be the cause. Spicy food and the use of highly pungent spices such as chili can subsequently cause them to be … Burning after bowel movement after spicy food | Burning after bowel movement

Causes of diverticulitis

Diverticulitis is a disease of the colon in which there are small protrusions of the intestinal mucosa. These can remain without symptoms (diverticulosis) or become inflamed. Only then one speaks of diverticulitis. In the western industrialized nations, 50-60% of the over-70s have diverticulosis, but only 10-20% also develop diverticulitis. This makes diverticulitis one of the … Causes of diverticulitis

Bowel movement

Introduction Defecation, also called egestion, is the process of excreting stool (feces) from the anus. It results from the digestion of food that has been consumed and is usually brown in color. The brown color is caused by the so-called sterkobilin, which is produced when the bile in the intestine is broken down. Other colors … Bowel movement

Bowel movement after each meal- What can it be? | Bowel movement

Bowel movement after each meal- What can it be? In principle, bowel movements more or less immediately after eating are not unusual. While eating, intestinal activity and digestion are stimulated. In order to gain space for the newly taken food, the urge to defecate arises. Since it is not unusual to have bowel movements up … Bowel movement after each meal- What can it be? | Bowel movement