Constipation during pregnancy: What you can do

Pregnancy: constipation is widespread Up to 44 percent of all pregnant women worldwide suffer from constipation. It is characterized by irregular and hard bowel movements, a slower movement of food through the bowel, excessive straining and the feeling that you have never completely emptied your bowels. Those who suffer from constipation are also often plagued … Constipation during pregnancy: What you can do

Help your Digestion on the Way

Regular digestion is a foundation for our well-being. But for every third person, going to the toilet is a problem. Constipation is not just a nuisance. Bloating, abdominal pain, flatulence and fatigue cause a general feeling of discomfort. And this increases the longer you miss bowel movements. How you can stimulate the intestines and digestion, … Help your Digestion on the Way

Green bowel movement

Green bowel movements are a rather rare occasion for consultation with a doctor and in most cases they are not associated with a real disease value. One-off events are usually due to irregularities in the course of digestion. Only a repeated or frequent occurrence of green bowel movements should give cause for concern and further … Green bowel movement

Can this be an indication of cancer? | Green bowel movement

Can this be an indication of cancer? The unique occurrence of green stool is not an indication of the presence of cancer. Only in the case of repeated occurrence, or if the bowel movement is continuously green and no other suitable explanation for the green coloration of the stool can be found, can cancer be … Can this be an indication of cancer? | Green bowel movement

Flatulence | Green bowel movement

Flatulence Flatulence usually occurs in combination with green bowel movements when diarrhoea is the cause. If diarrhoea-causing pathogens infect the intestine, certain types of bacteria can cause increased gas production, which then manifests itself in the form of flatulence, since the air must somehow escape from the intestine. In general, however, it can also be … Flatulence | Green bowel movement

Pain after bowel movement

General information Pain that occurs immediately after or during bowel movements can have various causes. Depending on the cause, they may be harmless symptoms or they may be symptoms of a serious illness. Which disease is responsible for the pain in an individual case can best be determined by a treating physician. Especially if the … Pain after bowel movement

Bowel movement after gall bladder surgery

Introduction The gallbladder stores and concentrates the bile that is produced in the liver. If food passes through the stomach into the duodenum, the bile juices are conducted from the gallbladder into the intestine and mixed with the chyme. The digestive enzymes contained, especially lipases, are responsible for fat digestion. If the gallbladder is surgically … Bowel movement after gall bladder surgery

Yellow bowel movement | Bowel movement after gall bladder surgery

Yellow bowel movement Normally the chair is brown in color. The color is caused by decomposed bile dyes, e.g. bilirubin (yellow), which is later converted to stercobilin (brown). If the intestinal passage is accelerated, as is the case with diarrhea, less stercobilin is produced and the stool becomes lighter/yellowish. Another cause of yellow stool is … Yellow bowel movement | Bowel movement after gall bladder surgery

Hard bowel movement | Bowel movement after gall bladder surgery

Hard bowel movement After an operation, especially in the abdomen, the intestinal tract often needs some time to get going again. Especially painkillers, such as opiates, which are administered during the operation, inhibit intestinal movement. Water is removed from the food pulp on its way through the intestine. The longer the intestinal passage takes, the … Hard bowel movement | Bowel movement after gall bladder surgery