Breast Lift

Nearly all women want full, firm, youthful looking breasts, but aging, rapid weight loss, past pregnancies and breastfeeding are increasingly eating away at the breast tissue, causing the connective tissue and breasts to sag. A so-called sagging breast is often the result. But for most women, a beautiful breast is a symbol of femininity and … Breast Lift

Breast reconstruction

Definition Breast reconstruction involves the plastic reconstruction of a breast. Various methods can be used for this. Breast reconstruction can be performed using the patient’s own tissue or artificial implants. Which procedure is suitable for a patient depends on her physical situation. Indication Breast reconstruction is performed especially in patients with breast cancer and removal … Breast reconstruction

Breast reconstruction from the M. latissimus dorsi | Breast reconstruction

Breast reconstruction from the M. latissimus dorsi In this procedure a part or the complete back muscle is loosened. This also leaves a piece of skin, from which a natural breast shape can finally be built. The supplying blood vessels are not cut through, but are transplanted with the tissue, so that the blood supply … Breast reconstruction from the M. latissimus dorsi | Breast reconstruction