Sore Throat: Tips against the Scratching in the Throat

Scratchy throat, difficulty swallowing, hoarseness: sore throat often marks the beginning of a cold. But the causes of sore throat can be varied. Because a sore throat is not a disease in its own right, but a symptom that can have very different causes. By far the most common cause, however, is a virus-related pharyngitis. How sore throat develops and what helps against the discomfort, read here.

Causes of sore throat

Typical triggers of acute sore throats are colds, inflammation of the tonsils or other inflammations in the mouth and throat – usually triggered by viruses, rarely also bacteria. More serious infections such as scarlet fever or diphtheria also announce themselves with a sore throat. Hoarseness is a sign that the inflammation also affects the larynx with its vocal cords. In addition, severe inflammation in the esophagus or swelling of the lymph nodes in the area of the throat, for example, can lead to a sore throat. Difficulty swallowing without a sore throat can in turn have an allergic cause or be triggered by a thyroid disease, for example.

What to do about a sore throat? The best tips!

A mild cold with a sore throat can be helped even with home remedies. If the symptoms do not improve significantly after a period of two to three days, however, you should definitely go to the doctor. Chronic or recurring sore throats and hoarseness attacks should also be clarified by a doctor. The following tips and home remedies will help to get rid of a sore throat quickly.

1. drink plenty of fluids

In order for the sore throat to disappear soon, it is recommended to drink plenty of fluids in any case. Through the liquid, the mucous membranes are kept moist, cold viruses can not multiply so well. Medicinal plants have a germ-inhibiting, anti-inflammatory and decongestant effect and are therefore suitable as tea or for gargling. Herbal teas are recommended, for example, from:

  • Sage,
  • Thyme,
  • Chamomile and
  • Mallow

The famous “hot lemon” is also a recommended home remedy for sore throat. Whether hot or cold, is not decisive and depends on personal preference.

2. gargling helps against sore throat

Gargling with lukewarm salt water is also one of the proven home remedies. To do this, dissolve 1/4 teaspoon of salt in 0.2 liters of warm water. Chamomile and sage tea (in strong concentration and long drawn) are also suitable for gargling.

3. throat compresses as a home remedy

Throat compresses are used by many people to get relief from sore throat:

  • To do this, a kitchen towel is soaked with cool to warm (depending on need) water, wrung out and placed around the neck.
  • Over it, wrap a dry cloth or woolen scarf.
  • Between 20 and 30 minutes, the wet wrap should act.

Instead of water are also suitable lemon juice or oil, curd or Retterspitz.


4. fight sore throat with a sweating cure.

A sweat cure after a hot bath also has a beneficial effect. Keeping yourself warm – but especially the feet and neck – is an important step towards improvement in case of sore throat anyway.

5. homeopathy for the treatment of sore throat.

Homeopathic remedies are selected depending on the nature of the symptoms. The following homeopathics are used:

6. keep bed rest

A home remedy helps in the truest sense of the word: if you have a sore throat and do not feel well or even have a fever, it is best to stay at home and give yourself rest. Just that is often neglected, for example, because you do not want to take a sick leave.

Get rid of sore throat quickly with medication?

Many people resort to over-the-counter medicinal sore throat remedies from the pharmacy when they have a sore throat, in order to be quickly “back in action”. Without medical consultation, however, none of these remedies should be used for more than three days.

When to see a doctor with a sore throat?

You should see a doctor if …

  • Sore throat persists for more than three days,
  • the complaints are associated with shortness of breath, difficulty breathing or severe difficulty swallowing,
  • Pain occurs mainly on one side of the throat or after straining the voice,
  • The lymph nodes are severely swollen,
  • It is difficult to open the mouth wide,
  • The body temperature is persistently elevated (38 degrees Celsius for more than three days) or fever is measured above 39 degrees Celsius in adults or above 40 degrees Celsius in children,
  • Sore throat associated with rash on the face or body or raspberry red discoloration of the tongue,
  • You become suddenly or very severely hoarse, or
  • Sore throat occurs very frequently (more than four times a year for adults) and home remedies do not work.

If young children have a sore throat, an early visit to the doctor is recommended.