Alcohol addiction diagnosis and treatment

Synonyms Alcohol addiction, alcohol disease, alcohol addiction, drunkenness, ethylism, dipsomania, potomania, Introduction The pathological, uncontrolled consumption of alcoholic beverages is known in medical terminology as alcoholism. Within Germany, alcoholism is a widespread phenomenon. In the meantime, the pathological consumption of alcoholic beverages is even recognised as an independent illness. For this reason, both statutory and … Alcohol addiction diagnosis and treatment

Risks | Alcohol addiction diagnosis and treatment

Risks Excessive consumption of alcohol and especially manifested alcoholism can have a significant negative impact on the body of the person concerned. Typical risks associated with alcoholism range from withdrawal syndromes and significant changes in character to sustained damage to certain organ systems. Especially the so-called alcohol-toxic changes of character are described by many relatives … Risks | Alcohol addiction diagnosis and treatment

Treatment | Alcohol addiction diagnosis and treatment

Treatment The treatment of people suffering from alcoholism can and should take place on several levels. Possible therapy methods can be found in the areas of psychotherapy and drug treatment. Furthermore, participation in a self-help group for people suffering from alcoholism can be helpful, especially in the initial stages. The first step in successful alcoholism … Treatment | Alcohol addiction diagnosis and treatment