The lime shoulder

Synonyms Tendinosis calcarea, Tendinitis calcarea Definition A lime shoulder is a shoulder in which lime has been deposited. This occurs most frequently in the area of the tendon of the supraspinatus muscle, but in principle it can also affect any other tendon of the shoulder muscles. The result is an inflammatory process in the shoulder … The lime shoulder

Symptoms | The lime shoulder

Symptoms The main symptom of a calcified shoulder is (sometimes very severe) pain. This occurs mainly during movements involving the muscle of the affected tendon. As this is usually the supraspinatus tendon, most patients with a calcified shoulder experience particular pain when the arm is moved over the head or outwards, as the supraspinatus muscle … Symptoms | The lime shoulder

Therapy | The lime shoulder

Therapy For the treatment of a calcified shoulder, there are many different possibilities, which should be discussed together by patient and doctor. Depending on the stage of the disease and the individual level of suffering, different treatment plans should be used. As a rule, a conservative therapy is started, i.e. an attempt is made to … Therapy | The lime shoulder

Prophylaxis | The lime shoulder

Prophylaxis Since one does not know exactly why a calcified shoulder develops, it is also difficult to prevent it. Since it is assumed that it often occurs in connection with mechanical overloading of the shoulder joint (especially during overhead activities), this type of stress should be kept as low as possible. Otherwise, unfortunately, not much … Prophylaxis | The lime shoulder

These can be the causes of a calcified lymph node | Calcified lymph nodes – What is behind it?

These can be the causes of a calcified lymph node If we speak of a calcified lymph node, we usually mean a single lymph node that is hardened. In most cases, this is due to a benign disease. Lymph nodes often enlarge during infections and thus become somewhat harder. These can be both viral and … These can be the causes of a calcified lymph node | Calcified lymph nodes – What is behind it?