Euthyroidism: Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases

The term euthyroidism refers to the normal state of the pituitary-thyroid regulatory circuit, thus assuming adequate hormonal function of the two organs. The regulatory circuit is also called thyrotropic circuit. In various thyroid, pituitary, and hypothalamic diseases, it moves outside euthyroidism. What is euthyroidism? The clinical term euthyroidism refers to the normal state of a … Euthyroidism: Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases

Calcitonin: Function & Diseases

Calcitonin is a 32-amino acid polypeptide produced primarily in the C cells of the thyroid gland. As a controlling hormone, it causes a decrease in blood calcium and phosphate levels via inhibition of bone resorption and increased excretion of calcium and phosphate. With regard to calcium concentration, calcitonin is an antagonist, and with regard to … Calcitonin: Function & Diseases

Mineralization: Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases

In mineralization, minerals are deposited in hard tissues, such as the teeth or bones, for hardening. In the body, there is a permanent balance between mineralization and demineralization. In the case of a mineral deficiency or other mineralization disorders, this balance is disturbed. What is mineralization? In mineralization, minerals are deposited in hard tissues, such … Mineralization: Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases

Osteocytes: Structure, Function & Diseases

Osteocytes are mature bone cells enclosed by osteoblasts of the bone matrix. When bone is defective, osteocytes die because of inadequate nutrient supply, prompting the bone-degrading osteoclasts. Pathologic osteocytes may be relevant to diseases such as osteoporosis. What are osteocytes? Human bone is alive. Immature osteoblasts form what is called the bone matrix. This network … Osteocytes: Structure, Function & Diseases

Menopausal Symptoms

Symptoms Menopausal symptoms are very individual and vary from woman to woman. The most common possible disorders include: Cycle irregularities, change in menstruation. Vasomotor disorders: Flushes, night sweats. Mood swings, irritability, aggressiveness, sensitivity, sadness, difficulty concentrating, anxiety, fatigue. Sleep disorders Changes in skin, hair and mucous membranes: hair loss, vaginal atrophy, vaginal dryness, dry skin, … Menopausal Symptoms

Cherubism: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Cherubism is a congenital disorder of the jaw. Affected individuals suffer from multicystic benign bone tumors in the jaw area that manifest as swellings. The tumors can be removed by surgery or scraping. What is cherubism? Congenital bone disorders come in many forms. Many are associated with distension of the affected bones. One such condition … Cherubism: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment


Formation of calcitonin: The hormone of the thyroid gland calcitonin consists of protein and is therefore a peptide hormone. In contrast to T3 – T4 hormone, this hormone is produced in the C-cells of the thyroid (parafollicular cells). The effect of this hormone unfolds on the bones, in which the bone-destroying cells (osteoclasts) are inhibited. … Calcitonin