60 Plus: Healthy Nutrition in the Third Age

For most, the active working life is over in the seventh decade of life and the children are out of the house. This creates freedom to focus on enjoyment and zest for life. Health and mobility are central to this.

Body and metabolism change

As we age, a variety of changes occur in the body. Some changes you will not even notice consciously, others leave clear signs, e.g. a decreasing elasticity of the skin and wrinkles due to the decreasing water content in the body. If this is about 60% at the age of 30, it drops to about 50-55% in 60-year-olds.

Muscle mass decreases

Muscle mass also dwindles away, thus muscle strength and bone density are increasingly lost and the risk of falls and fractures increases. The age-related decrease in muscle mass/strength and bone density is exacerbated when muscles are not used and inactivity occurs. Regular exercise is instrumental in maintaining muscles and strong bones. Many sports such as walking, aqua gymnastics, cycling, hiking, dancing, etc. are suitable for older people. You should avoid one-sided loads and abrupt movements. To achieve a sufficient effect, you should exercise at least three times a week for 30 minutes. Group activities are particularly fun. Why not join a dance group or a hiking club? Exercise is much more fun in good company, and it also promotes mental fitness.

Fat mass increases

The percentage of body fat increases. This is about 29% in a normal-weight woman at the age of 40, and increases to about 35% over the years if her weight remains the same. These changes in the body are quite normal if they remain within certain limits. However, if the percentage becomes too high, e.g. in the case of severe overweight, this increases the risk of chronic health disorders such as diabetes mellitus, increased blood lipid levels, arteriosclerosis and high blood pressure. An older person may well have a few kilos more than a younger person. If a Body Mass Index (BMI) of 20 – 25 is considered normal for younger people, the normal range is set at 24 – 29 from the age of 65. If your BMI is above this range, you are overweight. You should then try to gradually reduce your weight by switching to a whole-food mixed diet (see below) and more exercise. And this is how you calculate your Body Mass Index (BMI): BMI = body weight in kg/body height in m x body height in m Example: If you weigh 65 kg and are 1.62 m tall, your BMI is 24.8 (BMI = 65 kg/1.62 m x 1.62 m = 24.8). The body needs less energy, but the need for important nutrients remains the same. Due to the mentioned changes in the body of an elderly person, the energy requirement decreases. It is now on average 1800 kcal for women and 2300 kcal for men. What many neglect is that the need for important vitamins and minerals remains unchanged, for some micronutrients, such as calcium and vitamin D, it is even assumed that the need is higher. The older you get, the more important it becomes to make the right choices about the foods you eat every day.

Vitamin D and calcium for bone stability

In older people, the supply of some important nutrients is considered critical. This is especially true for vitamin D and calcium. Calcium, along with vitamin D, is particularly important in maintaining bone health for a long time and slowing bone resorption processes. Even at an advanced age, positive effects can still be expected from increased calcium intake. Therefore, a higher calcium requirement of 1200 mg/day for the maintenance of bone health and osteoporosis prophylaxis is under discussion.

  • To achieve adequate calcium intake, calcium-rich mineral waters (>400 mg Ca/l) or calcium-enriched fruit juices may be helpful, in addition to dairy products (at least 2 servings). Possibly the administration of calcium supplements is useful.
  • By two sea fish meals per week, the intake of vitamin D can be increased. In addition, the self-synthesis of vitamin D is stimulated by regular stay outdoors.

Vitamin B6, B12 and folic acid for the vessels.

In recent years, increased homocysteine concentration in the body has been attributed great importance as an independent risk factor for the development of arterial diseases such as atherosclerosis, myocardial infarction and stroke. One factor in elevated homocysteine levels is deficiency of vitamins B


, B


and folic acid. An optimal supply of folic acid, vitamin B


and B


in old age is therefore crucial to reduce degenerative changes in the vessels.

  • Vitamin B


    Is actually found only in animal foods. Good suppliers are meat and fish eggs and dairy products. An exception to plant foods are those produced by bacterial fermentation such as sauerkraut. In many people, changes in the gastric mucosa can occur in old age (atrophic gastritis). Because a factor is produced in the gastric mucosa that is essential for the absorption of vitamin B


    in the intestine is necessary, these individuals in particular should pay attention to a sufficient supply.
  • For a good supply of vitamin B


    provide plant foods such as whole grains, yeast, spinach, cabbage and potatoes. But also in animal foods, e.g., meat, fish, milk, egg yolk and innards vitamin B comes


  • Folic acid is found in large quantities in wheat bran, yeast, nuts and also green vegetables. The best supply of these vitamins provides a complete mixed diet (see below).

Chewing becomes more difficult

It is good if you can keep your own teeth as long as possible through consistent and thorough oral care. However, even with exemplary dental care, not all teeth can be preserved into old age. Dentures then offer a replacement. It is important that they fit well and are cleaned daily. Poorly fitting dentures or a lack of oral hygiene can lead to inflammation in the oral cavity, which is often very painful and can cause problems when chewing. Chewing problems are often associated with limited food choices. Especially nutrient-rich foods such as whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables, and meat are avoided because they require a lot of chewing. Be sure to clean and care for the third teeth daily. The proper fit of the denture should also be checked regularly and adjusted if necessary. In the case of permanent chewing problems that cannot be remedied by these measures, you should select and prepare the foods that cause you problems accordingly: Finely grate raw vegetables, peel fruit, prefer finely ground whole grain bread (e.g., graham bread), remove bread crusts if necessary, soak muesli/whole grain oatmeal overnight.

The sensation of thirst diminishes

Most people know that drinking is important. Most also know that you should drink about 1.5 to 2 liters of fluid per day. Yet it is very common to hear people say, “I drink far too little!” This is especially often the case with older people, because in old age the thirst sensation decreases. What many don’t know, a lack of fluids leads to fatigue, poor concentration and dizziness. Fluid intake has a direct impact on brain performance, meaning it’s not always due to age when something is forgotten or you can’t think of the simplest things. Maybe it’s simply because you don’t drink enough. Just test how much you actually drink. To do this, keep a drinking log and record everything you have drunk over at least three days. If the log shows that you drink at least 1.5 liters a day – perfect! You are well supplied. If the value is below 1.5 liters per day, you should improve. Set up a drinking plan for this purpose.

So you are well supplied!

  • Prefer products with high nutrient density (lean milk and dairy products, lean meat, fish, cereal products based on whole grains and groats, plenty of fruits and vegetables as fresh food and fruit juices); the principle of “low energy and nutrient-rich” applies.
  • Eat several smaller meals a day (5-6).
  • Fruits and vegetables: daily one serving of vegetables and one serving of salad / raw vegetables, 1-2 pieces or servings of fruit; if you have chewing problems, finely grate raw vegetables, peel fruit, consume fruit as fruit puree, compote or freshly squeezed fruit juice, if necessary.
  • Bread, cereal products: daily 5-6 slices of wholemeal bread (250-300 g), alternatively for breakfast also muesli or wholemeal oatmeal; in case of chewing problems prefer finely ground wholemeal bread (eg Graham bread), if necessary remove bread crust, muesli / wholemeal oatmeal soak overnight.
  • Potatoes, rice, pasta: 1 serving of rice or pasta or potatoes.
  • Milk and dairy products: at least 2 servings daily, for example, 250 ml of low-fat milk and 2 slices of lean cheese (60 g); in case of intolerance to drinking milk alternatively buttermilk, yogurt, soured milk, cottage cheese and cheese.
  • Sea fish: 1-2 servings of 150 g per week.
  • Meat and sausage: 2-3 servings per week; prefer lean varieties.
  • Eggs: 2-3 pieces per week.
  • Fats and oils: max 40 g spread and cooking fat and 10 g high-quality vegetable oil.
  • Choose nutrient-sparing preparation methods such as steaming in little liquid, cooking in steam or cooking in a Roman pot or in foil in the oven.
  • Drink enough: 1.5 – 2 liters per day; prefer still mineral water, herbal teas, juice spritzers.