Medical evaluation of interval fasting | Interval fasting – How effective is it really?

Medical evaluation of interval fasting Interval fasting is a dietary method that has its justification. In comparison to numerous other diet forms no radical calorie restriction must take place here. If at all, this reduction takes place only over a certain number of hours. In particular the 16:8-method is thus a meaningful option for humans, … Medical evaluation of interval fasting | Interval fasting – How effective is it really?

What are the costs of interval fasting? | Interval fasting – How effective is it really?

What are the costs of interval fasting? Interval fasting is usually not associated with increased costs. A certain number of hours is fasted, the rest of the day can then be eaten normally, without any requirements for certain foods. With variants like the 15:2-Intervallfasten should not be taken up on 2 days in the week … What are the costs of interval fasting? | Interval fasting – How effective is it really?