Symptoms | Oily hair during pregnancy

Symptoms Changes to the hair during pregnancy are usually only an aesthetic problem. However, greasy, stringy hair can cause an unkempt appearance, which some pregnant women find extremely annoying and stressful. Dry hair, which is often associated with dry scalp, can also cause severe unpleasant itching. An individual consultation for hair care is therefore very … Symptoms | Oily hair during pregnancy

Impure skin/pimples | Oily hair during pregnancy

Impure skin/pimples Impure skin or pimple formation during pregnancy are also due to the hormonal changes. Overproduction of sebaceous glands occurs not only on the scalp, but also on the rest of the skin. The overproduction of sebum leads to a blockage of the sebaceous glands. The sebaceous glands become inflamed and cause pimples to … Impure skin/pimples | Oily hair during pregnancy

Prognosis | Oily hair during pregnancy

Prognosis The reason for oily hair during pregnancy is usually fluctuations in the hormone balance of pregnant women. These hormonal fluctuations cannot be prevented. In addition to hormonal fluctuations, as they can occur during pregnancy, but also for example during puberty or the menopause, there are numerous other factors that have an influence on the … Prognosis | Oily hair during pregnancy

Oily skin due to incorrect care – What to do? | The right care for oily skin

Oily skin due to incorrect care – What to do? Incorrect care can promote the development of oily skin. Detergents are usually aggressive cleansing agents containing alcohol and perfumes. This irritates the skin and reduces the natural protective film of the skin. In response to the irritation, the body tries to rebuild the protective film … Oily skin due to incorrect care – What to do? | The right care for oily skin

Care products and make-up | The right care for oily skin

Care products and make-up In addition to skin cleansing, there are also skin care products designed for the skin of people with existing problems. These include above all creams, powders and tinctures. There is a wide range of products available on the market: night creams, lotions, moisturizers, day creams, and many other products advertise that … Care products and make-up | The right care for oily skin

Oily skin through nutrition

Synonym: Seborrhoeic oily skin has several causes and usually the individual hormone balance is significantly involved in this development. However, other factors such as various environmental influences, skin care and nutrition also play a role in the development and characteristics of a skin that tends to be oily. Although an intervention in the hormonal balance … Oily skin through nutrition

Differential diagnosis | Oily skin through nutrition

Differential diagnosis Oily skin does not have to be the result of diet, but can also be caused by hormonal changes, especially during puberty or pregnancy. The use of anabolic steroids and corticosteroids, which are often contained in anti-inflammatory creams, also leads to increased sebum production and thus oily skin. An important distinction from the … Differential diagnosis | Oily skin through nutrition