
General information The Germanic tribes used to call the thumb “Dumo” or “Dume”, which was supposed to mean “the fat one” or “the strong one”. In the course of time, this term developed into the word “thumb” as we know it today. The thumb (Pollex) forms the first finger of a hand and can be … Thumbs

Thumb saddle joint

Synonym Articulatio carpometacarpalis (lat. ), carpometacarpal joint Definition thumb saddle joint The thumb saddle joint is located in the area of the wrist, it is largely responsible for the flexible mobility of the thumb and as one of the most stressed joints is often affected by degenerative processes. Structure The thumb saddle joint is formed … Thumb saddle joint

Pain in the pregnancy scar after sports | Pain at the scar of the cesarean section

Pain in the pregnancy scar after sports Sporting activity can cause pain, especially with fresh, not yet completely healed scars. For example, the caesarean scar can be irritated by friction of clothing and vibrations during running or the tension of the muscles during abdominal exercises and can therefore be painful. For this reason, care should … Pain in the pregnancy scar after sports | Pain at the scar of the cesarean section

Associated symptoms | Pain at the scar of the cesarean section

Associated symptoms In some cases, the caesarean scar may not only cause pain, but may also cause further discomfort and limitations. For example, connective tissue adhesions with lower tissue layers or excessive scar proliferation can lead to increased contraction of the skin and thus to impaired movement. Scars can also be “weather-sensitive”, i.e. they can … Associated symptoms | Pain at the scar of the cesarean section

Lunatum malaria

Introduction Under the term lunatum malacia (composed of lunatum malacia), a layman can imagine little to nothing. If one has received the diagnosis oneself, one knows at least already that it must be a disease of the hand, because there it hurts. But what is this disease, what in the hand is affected and will … Lunatum malaria