Therapy of the inflammation of the breast gland | Mastitis

Therapy of the inflammation of the breast gland Antibiotics should be used for the bacterial form of mastitis. If the mastitis has already turned into an abscess, this must be opened surgically. In both forms (bacterial and non-bacterial) of mastitis non puerperalis, so-called prolactin inhibitors are administered to contain the hormone disorder and thus the … Therapy of the inflammation of the breast gland | Mastitis

Forecast | Mastitis

Forecast The prognosis of mastitis depends mainly on the form present in the respective patient. In addition, the time of diagnosis and the initiation of therapy play a decisive role in this context. A mastitis that occurs in direct connection with breastfeeding a child usually has a good prognosis. Especially mild forms of mastitis puerperalis … Forecast | Mastitis

Diagnosis | Mastitis

Diagnosis In most cases, the diagnosis of mastitis non puerperalis is made by interviewing the affected patient. Above all, the symptoms perceived by the patient play a decisive role in the diagnosis of mastitis non puerperalis. If, after an extensive doctor-patient consultation (anamnesis), the presence of mastitis is suspected, further measures can be initiated. In … Diagnosis | Mastitis

Alternative diseases (differential diagnosis) | Ovarian cancer therapy

Alternative diseases (differential diagnosis) The few symptoms that can occur in ovarian cancer, as well as the masses in the abdominal area can also have another cause: they can continue to cause masses. Cells from the rectum (rectum tumor – rectal tumor – rectum tumor) can also penetrate (infiltrate) into the ovaries and thus simulate … Alternative diseases (differential diagnosis) | Ovarian cancer therapy

Aftercare | Ovarian cancer therapy

Aftercare After treatment of an ovarian tumor (ovarian carcinoma), regular follow-up examinations should be performed. In the first two years after treatment, the patient should have a check-up every three months, in the third to fifth year after treatment every six months, and from the fifth year after completion of treatment every year. In particular, … Aftercare | Ovarian cancer therapy

What is the HP virus?

Definition The human papilloma virus – HPV for short – is a pathogen that is about 50 nanometers in size and of which there are well over a hundred different species that cause different clinical pictures. For example, HPV can cause skin warts, but it can also be a predisposing factor for cervical cancer or … What is the HP virus?

What diseases does an HP virus cause? | What is the HP virus?

What diseases does an HP virus cause? Roughly speaking, the diseases caused by HPV can be divided into benign and malignant diseases. Which disease is caused can be identified by the type of HPV that causes the disease. A distinction is made here between many so-called low-risk types and a few so-called high-risk types. The … What diseases does an HP virus cause? | What is the HP virus?

Can the HP virus be transmitted through oral sex? | What is the HP virus?

Can the HP virus be transmitted through oral sex? Transmission through oral sex is possible without any problems, since the human papilloma virus requires a “leaky” skin area to penetrate. Since the mouth is a mucous membrane, it does not have a protective horny layer, which allows the viruses to penetrate it unhindered. However, transmission … Can the HP virus be transmitted through oral sex? | What is the HP virus?