Chlorella Algae Detoxify the Body

Chlorella vulgaris or Chlorella pyrenoidosa is a special form of freshwater algae. In naturopathy, chlorella is often used as a dietary supplement because it is exceptionally rich in nutrients. In addition, the alga is also used to detoxify the human body. You can take chlorella as tablets or also as powder. Chlorella vulgaris and spirulina … Chlorella Algae Detoxify the Body

Amalgam Poisoning: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Amalgam poisoning is a possible consequence of dental fillings containing amalgam. To counteract existing amalgam poisoning, a first important step is to replace corresponding fillings. What is amalgam poisoning? In case of amalgam poisoning, it is essential to replace the amalgam fillings with other materials. Your dentist will provide you with comprehensive information about this. … Amalgam Poisoning: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Chlorella: Applications, Treatments, Health Benefits

Chlorella is a form of freshwater algae that is often used as a dietary supplement in natural medicine. The reason for this is that chlorella is exceptionally nutrient-dense and healthy, as the algae helps to detoxify the body, for example. Occurrence and cultivation of chlorella Chlorella, a green, unicellular freshwater algae, convinces with a high … Chlorella: Applications, Treatments, Health Benefits