Treatment | Cat Scream Syndrome

Treatment There is only one symptomatic treatment for the cat cry symptom. A cure is not possible. The treatment consists of the interaction of physiotherapy, occupational therapy and speech therapy. It is also important to ensure an early mental and physical support. Duration Prognosis A cure for the Cat Scream Syndrome is not possible. Depending … Treatment | Cat Scream Syndrome


Definition Meiosis is a special form of nuclear division and is also called maturity division. It contains two divisions, which turns a diploid mother cell into four haploid daughter cells. These daughter cells each contain a 1-chromatide chromosome and are not identical. These daughter cells are needed for sexual reproduction. Introduction In men, the germ … Meiosis

What is the difference to mitosis? | Meiosis

What is the difference to mitosis? Meiosis is very similar to mitosis in terms of the second meiotic division, but there are some differences between the two nuclear divisions. The result of the meiosis are germ cells with a simple set of chromosomes, which are suitable for sexual reproduction. In mitosis, identical daughter cells with … What is the difference to mitosis? | Meiosis

How to treat Klinefelter syndrome | Klinefelter syndrome

How to treat Klinefelter syndrome Klinefelter’s syndrome cannot be treated from its cause. The disorder during meiosis can therefore not be reversed. However, since most of the symptoms of Klinefelter’s syndrome are caused by low testosterone levels, the therapy consists in supplying testosterone from the outside. This is also known as testosterone substitution. Depending on … How to treat Klinefelter syndrome | Klinefelter syndrome

Cell Cycle Checkpoint: Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases

The entire cell cycle is controlled by a checkpoint system. A cell cycle checkpoint regulates critical processes and phase transitions that occur within a cell cycle. What is the cell cycle checkpoint? The entire cell cycle is controlled by a control system. A cell cycle checkpoint regulates critical processes and phase transitions that occur within … Cell Cycle Checkpoint: Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases

Prognosis | Trisomy 18

Prognosis Unfortunately, the prognosis for trisomy 18 is very poor. About 90% of the affected fetuses die in the womb during pregnancy and are not born alive. Unfortunately, the mortality of the born babies is also extremely high. On average, only about 5% of affected infants reach an age of more than 12 months. On … Prognosis | Trisomy 18

Trisomy 18

Definition Trisomy 18, also known as Edwards syndrome, is a serious genetic mutation. In this case, chromosome 18 occurs three times instead of the usual two times in the body cells. After trisomy 21, also called Down syndrome, trisomy 18 is the second most common: on average, about 1 in 6000 births is affected. Edwards … Trisomy 18

Wolf-Hirschhorn Syndrome

Definition – What is a Wolf-Hirschhorn Syndrome? The Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome describes a complex of different malformations, which are caused by a change in the chromosomes (chromosomal aberration). The malformations include above all changes in the head, brain and heart. The Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome occurs in about 1:50. 000 children. It affects girls more frequently than boys … Wolf-Hirschhorn Syndrome