Megakaryocytes: Function & Diseases

Megakaryocytes are the precursor cells of platelets (blood thrombocytes). They are located in the bone marrow and are formed from pluripotent stem cells. Disorders in platelet formation lead to either thrombocythemia (uncontrolled platelet formation) or thrombocytopenia (decreased platelet formation). What are megakaryocytes? Megakaryocytes, as hematopoietic cells of the bone marrow, are the precursor cells of … Megakaryocytes: Function & Diseases

Prenatal Diagnostics: Treatment, Effects & Risks

The term prenatal diagnostics covers various examinations that take place during pregnancy. They deal with the early detection of diseases and maldevelopments of the unborn child. What is prenatal diagnostics? The term prenatal diagnostics covers various examinations that take place during pregnancy. Prenatal diagnostics (PND) refers to medical examination procedures and devices that deal with … Prenatal Diagnostics: Treatment, Effects & Risks

DNA: Structure, Function & Diseases

DNA is considered the Holy Grail of genetics and evolutionary biology alike. Without DNA as the carrier of hereditary information, complex life on this planet is unthinkable. What is DNA? DNA is the abbreviation for “deoxyribonucleic acid“. For biochemists, this designation already says the most important things about its structure, but in normal cases it … DNA: Structure, Function & Diseases

Taxanes: Effects, Uses & Risks

The group of taxanes includes the active ingredients paclitaxel, docetaxel, and cabazitaxel. Their action is due to the disruption of cell division (mitosis), which medicine uses to treat various cancers. What are taxanes? Taxanes form a group of agents that belong to the cytostatic drugs and are also known as taxoids. They are used in … Taxanes: Effects, Uses & Risks

Genetics: Treatment, Effects & Risks

Genetics is the study of heredity and deals with genetic information and how it is passed on. In genetics, both the structure and the functions of genes are studied in more detail. As the study of heredity, it belongs to a branch of biology and examines individual characteristics that are passed down through several generations. … Genetics: Treatment, Effects & Risks