Duration of fever in the baby | Baby fever

Duration of fever in the baby

How long the fever lasts in babies due to infection is very variable. It depends largely on the type of infection. For example, fever can last only one or two days in mild infections and then subside again.

Other diseases, such as three-day fever, usually follow a clear pattern in terms of duration. Furthermore, the age of the child also plays a major role. Thus, the immune system reacts differently to certain pathogens depending on age.

In addition, a fundamental distinction must be made between different types of fever. For example, a distinction is made between fevers that remain constant for a longer period of time (continua), relapsing fevers (remittent), which fluctuate between 38°C and 39°C, and fevers that alternately rise to high temperatures but fall between through to normal values of 37°C. It is therefore very difficult to make general statements about the duration of fever in infants. For some diseases, however, it is relatively specific (see for example three-day fever) and can be used to make a diagnosis. All topics we have already published under ENT can be found here: Further topics :

  • Fever
  • Fever causes
  • Measuring fever
  • Reduce fever
  • Fever after vaccination
  • Sniffles in the baby
  • ENT A-Z
  • Vomiting in children