
Products Ciclosporin is commercially available as capsules, a drinkable solution, and an infusion concentrate (Sandimmune, Sandimmune Neoral, generics). It has been approved in many countries since 1995. Neoral is the microemulsion formulation that has more stable bioavailability than traditional Sandimmune. In 2016, ciclosporin eye drops were approved (see there). Structure and properties Ciclosporin (C62H111N11O12, Mr … Ciclosporin

Ciclosporin Eye Drops

Products Ciclosporin eye drops were approved in the EU in 2015 and in many countries in 2016 (Ikervis). They have been registered in the United States since 2009 (Restasis). Structure and properties Ciclosporin (C62H111N11O12, Mr = 1203 g/mol) exists as a white powder that is practically insoluble in water. It is extracted from the mushroom … Ciclosporin Eye Drops

Epidemic Conjunctivitis

Symptoms Keratoconjunctivitis epidemica manifests in the acute phase as annular redness, irritation, and swelling of the conjunctiva with itching, photophobia, severe eye tearing, hemorrhage, foreign body sensation, and eyelid swelling. The symptoms start suddenly in one eye and may spread to the other eye within days. The cornea of the eye may also be affected. … Epidemic Conjunctivitis

Dry Eyes: Causes and Remedies

Background The tear film is the outermost connection between the surface of the eye and the environment and is involved in the visual process. It moisturizes, protects and nourishes the eye. It is an aqueous gel containing water, mucins, salts, antibacterial proteins and antibodies, vitamin A, and lipids, among other substances, and is distributed over … Dry Eyes: Causes and Remedies


Products Lifitegrast was approved in the United States in 2016 and in many countries in December 2018 as single-dose eye drops (Xiidra, pronounced Saidra in English). Structure and properties Lifitegrast (C29H24Cl2N2O7S, Mr = 615.5 g/mol) is a tetrahydroisoquinoline derivative. It exists as a white powder that is soluble in water. Effects Lifitegrast (ATC S01XA25) has … Lifitegrast