Circulatory problems during pregnancy | Circulatory problems on the finger

Circulatory problems during pregnancy During pregnancy many processes in the body are changed and regulated differently. This is also the case with the blood circulation. In order to have as much blood as possible available for the vital organs and the unborn child, the blood flow in the hands and fingers is reduced somewhat. This … Circulatory problems during pregnancy | Circulatory problems on the finger

Laparoscopy: Treatment, Effect & Risks

Abdominal endoscopy, or laparoscopy, is a diagnostic and surgical procedure. The procedure is used in a variety of medical settings and carries relatively few risks. What is a laparoscopy? Laparoscopy is also known as laparoscopy in the medical field. During a laparoscopy, a patient’s abdominal cavity can be viewed from the inside with the help … Laparoscopy: Treatment, Effect & Risks

Pulling in the calf

Introduction The pain in the calf can have different causes and can be variable in its characteristics. Especially a pulling in the calf is often described as one of many complaints in the leg region. Triggers for pulling in the calf are very diverse. A pulling in the calf at rest can be caused by … Pulling in the calf


What’s bradycardia? Bradycardia refers to a heart rate that is below the expected normal range. In an adult, a frequency of 60 to 100 beats per minute is generally assumed. Bradycardia would therefore be present if the heart rate fell below this value. The age and also the training condition of a person must be … Bradycardia