Fighting Spring Fatigue

Talking about health in spring and having to give seasonal advice for seasonal worries is somewhat difficult with the first ultraviolet radiation, which is the name of the biologically particularly active portion of the spring sun – when seen in the light – even for a doctor. Listen to the keywords and judge for yourself: … Fighting Spring Fatigue

Diabetes Insipidus (Water Urination): Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Diabetes insipidus is associated with increased urination and a constant feeling of thirst. The chances of cure depend on the manifestation of the syndrome. For 2 types characterize the classification of diabetes insipidus. What is diabetes insipidus? Diabetes insipidus (diabainein, Greek: to flow through, insipidus, Latin: insipid, tasteless) is known in German as Wasserharnruhr. Despite … Diabetes Insipidus (Water Urination): Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Stroke in the spinal cord

Definition – What is a stroke in the spinal cord? The spinal cord is supplied with blood by several arteries. There are horizontal and vertical arteries, which are all connected to each other to ensure that the blood supply is as safe and sufficient as possible. A stroke in the spinal cord means that a … Stroke in the spinal cord

Musculus Scalenus Medius: Structure, Function & Diseases

The scalenus medius muscle is the longest scalenus muscle and is classified as a neck muscle and respiratory accessory muscle. The skeletal muscle is also called the middle rib elevator and, when contracted bilaterally, enlarges the thorax to facilitate forced inspiration. With the scalenus anterior muscle, the muscle forms the scalenus gap, which gains pathologic … Musculus Scalenus Medius: Structure, Function & Diseases

Osteonecrosis of the Femoral Head: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Osteonecrosis of the femoral head, also called femoral necrosis, represents a serious disease of the hip bone. Severe impaired blood flow causes the bone tissue to die. Consequences for the avascular, i.e. no longer supplied with blood, and necrotic femoral head in the further course of development are possible collapses, hip arthrosis up to stiffening … Osteonecrosis of the Femoral Head: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Therapy | Ahlbäck’s disease

Therapy The treatment success and thus the prognosis of M. Ahlbäck are generally the better, the earlier the disease can be recognized as such. The treatment of M. Ahlbäck’s disease is basically divided into so-called conservative (i.e. non-operative) and operative measures. Non-surgical treatment methods include above all those measures that improve the symptoms of the … Therapy | Ahlbäck’s disease

Prognosis of Ahlbäck’s disease | Ahlbäck’s disease

Prognosis of Ahlbäck’s disease The prognosis for patients suffering from M. Ahlbäck’s disease is quite variable. Depending on the age of the disease and the stage of M. Ahlbäck’s disease, different results can be achieved with appropriate treatment. In addition, the prognosis also differs for the individual treatment methods. Ultimately, however, good care can be … Prognosis of Ahlbäck’s disease | Ahlbäck’s disease

Ahlbäck’s disease

Synonyms Ahlbaeck’s disease Definition In medical terminology, the term M. Ahlbäck is used to describe a disease in which extensive bone death (aseptic osteonecrosis) in the area of the lower part of the thigh (femoral condyle) does not occur due to infection. In most cases, the reasons for the occurrence of M. Ahlbäck’s disease are … Ahlbäck’s disease

Diagnosis | Ahlbäck’s disease

Diagnosis The diagnosis of M. Ahlbäck is a multi-step process. Probably the most important of these steps is the detailed doctor-patient consultation (anamnesis), in which a description of the symptoms observed by the patient can provide an initial indication of the underlying disease. Previous accidents or other known injuries are particularly important in this context. … Diagnosis | Ahlbäck’s disease