Will the medication for epilepsy harm my child? | Epilepsy and pregnancy

Will the medication for epilepsy harm my child? Epilepsy drugs increase the risk of malformations in the unborn child about three times. Particularly when taking classic antiepileptic drugs (valproic acid, carbamazepine, phenobarbital, phenytoin), malformations of the face and finger ends, growth retardation during pregnancy and developmental disorders of the central nervous system occur more frequently. … Will the medication for epilepsy harm my child? | Epilepsy and pregnancy

Is epilepsy inherited? | Epilepsy and pregnancy

Is epilepsy inherited? Epilepsy in the narrower sense is rarely inherited. Heredity depends on the type of epilepsy and in most cases is not a hereditary disease in the narrower sense. Nevertheless, genetic factors do play a certain role, because children with parents suffering from epilepsy are more prone to seizures. However, many other factors … Is epilepsy inherited? | Epilepsy and pregnancy

Summary | Cleft lip and palate

Summary The cleft lip and palate is a defect created during embryonic facial development. The formation of the cleft can reach different dimensions. Functional and esthetic problems can occur. The therapy consists in closing the cleft by several surgical procedures, which lead to the restoration of normal function and esthetics. All articles in this series: … Summary | Cleft lip and palate

Cleft lip and palate

Medical: Cheilo-Gnatho-Palatoschisis, Symptoms In the case of cleft lip and palate, one does not speak directly of the symptoms that occur in the patient. Rather, they are various effects or functional disorders that are caused by the disease. These disorders mainly affect the nose, ears and the speech organ. Breathing difficulties often occur because the … Cleft lip and palate

U1 Examination

Preventive child examinations or early detection examinations U1 to U11 (also known as U examination) have been legally introduced in Germany since 1976 and serve the purpose of prevention (illness prevention). This is based on the early detection of disorders of physical, mental or social development in age-dependent developmental phases, so that they can be … U1 Examination

Wolf-Hirschhorn Syndrome

Definition – What is a Wolf-Hirschhorn Syndrome? The Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome describes a complex of different malformations, which are caused by a change in the chromosomes (chromosomal aberration). The malformations include above all changes in the head, brain and heart. The Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome occurs in about 1:50. 000 children. It affects girls more frequently than boys … Wolf-Hirschhorn Syndrome

TreatmentTherapy | Wolf-Hirschhorn Syndrome

TreatmentTherapy The Wolf-Hirschhorn-Syndrome is not curable. A purely symptomatic therapy is carried out with the aim of improving the quality of life of those affected. This includes various forms of therapy such as occupational therapy, physiotherapy, speech therapy and surgical correction of some malformations. Epilepsy should also be treated with medication. In some cases, artificial … TreatmentTherapy | Wolf-Hirschhorn Syndrome