
Symptoms Intertrigo (Latin for “rubbed sore”) is a common inflammatory skin condition that occurs on opposite skin surfaces in skin folds. It is initially manifested by a mild to severe redness that is approximately mirror image on both sides of the skin fold. It is often accompanied by itching, rash, burning sensation and pain. Papules … Intertrigo


Symptoms In women, trichomoniasis manifests as inflammation of the vaginal mucosa with redness, swelling, and a frothy, thin, yellowish-green, foul-smelling discharge. The urethra and cervix may also be infected. The type of discharge varies. In addition, there may be itching, small skin bleeding, and pain during sexual intercourse and urination. In men, the disease is … Trichomoniasis

Pain as a symptom of vaginal mycosis? | Symptoms of vaginal mycosis

Pain as a symptom of vaginal mycosis? Pain is a common symptom of vaginal mycosis. Most often affected women describe the pain during urination and sexual intercourse. This is because the vaginal mycosis can lead to changes in the skin and mucous membrane in the genital and intimate areas. The otherwise moistening white flux (Fluor … Pain as a symptom of vaginal mycosis? | Symptoms of vaginal mycosis

Fever as a symptom of vaginal mycosis? | Symptoms of vaginal mycosis

Fever as a symptom of vaginal mycosis? Fever is not a classic symptom of vaginal mycosis. As a rule, fever means that the body has to fight an inflammation, which is usually not the case with vaginal mycosis. If skin changes in the intimate area occur in combination with fever, a medical examination should also … Fever as a symptom of vaginal mycosis? | Symptoms of vaginal mycosis

Rash as a symptom of vaginal mycosis? | Symptoms of vaginal mycosis

Rash as a symptom of vaginal mycosis? The appearance of rash is usually accompanied by an allergic reaction. For example, a rash in the area of the vagina can indicate an allergy to a detergent used or be caused by wearing new, unwashed underwear. A joint occurrence with a vaginal fungus is possible, but does … Rash as a symptom of vaginal mycosis? | Symptoms of vaginal mycosis

Ketoconazole: Effects, Uses & Risks

Ketoconazole is the name given to a medicinal substance that is used to treat fungal diseases on the skin. In addition, the substance is used in anti-dandruff shampoos. What is ketoconazole? Ketoconazole can slow the growth of filamentous fungi such as dermatophytes and yeast fungi such as Candida albicans. Ketoconazole is one of the drugs … Ketoconazole: Effects, Uses & Risks

The Therapy | Yeast fungus in the vagina

The Therapy The treatment of an infection of the vagina by yeast fungi is usually done with fungicidal or growth-inhibiting drugs. Among the frequently used active ingredients are Nystatin, Clotrimazol or Ciclopirox. Since vaginal mycosis is a localized infection, locally attacking preparations in the form of creams or vaginal suppositories are usually sufficient and oral … The Therapy | Yeast fungus in the vagina