Anvil: Structure, Function & Diseases

In the middle ear of the human ear, there are three ossicles that are hinged together and transmit the mechanical vibrations of the eardrum to the cochlea in the inner ear. The middle ossicle is called the incus. It receives the vibrations of the hammer and transmits them to the stapes with mechanical amplification. Although … Anvil: Structure, Function & Diseases

Endolymph: Structure, Function & Diseases

Endolymph is a clear potassium-rich lymphoid fluid that fills the cavities of the membranous labyrinth in the inner ear. Separated by the Reissner membrane, the membranous labyrinth is surrounded by the sodium-rich perilymph. For hearing, the different ion concentration between perilymph and endolymph plays a major role, while the mechanical-physical properties (principle of inertia) are … Endolymph: Structure, Function & Diseases

Bing Test: Treatment, Effect & Risks

The Bing test is one of several well-known subjective hearing test procedures that use certain tuning fork tests to detect whether a unilateral sound conduction or sound perception disorder is present when hearing is diminished. The Bing test uses the difference in hearing sensation between bone and airborne sound when the external auditory canal is … Bing Test: Treatment, Effect & Risks

Noise Audiometry: Treatment, Effect & Risks

In Langenbeck’s noise audiometry, the hearing threshold is determined for different pitches with simultaneous superimposition of the pure tone with a background noise. The audiometric test allows conclusions to be drawn about whether sensorineural damage is present, that is, damage in the sensory system (sensors in the cochlea) and/or in the downstream neural area. The … Noise Audiometry: Treatment, Effect & Risks