Interactions with other drugs | Paracodin®

Interactions with other drugs Dihydrocodeine is a drug that acts in the central nervous system, so it may interact with other substances that act in the brain and spinal cord. If dihydrocodeine is taken simultaneously with central depressant medications such as sedatives, sleeping pills or psychotropic drugs, the respiratory depressive and sedative effect of dehydrocodeine … Interactions with other drugs | Paracodin®

Antipyretics: Effects, Uses & Risks

Antipyretics are substances that have a fever-reducing effect or can prophylactically protect against fever. This includes substances and compounds from various classes of substances. They differ in their mode of action from other antipyretic agents, such as opiates. What are antipyretics? Antipyretics are substances that have a fever-reducing effect or can prophylactically protect against fever. … Antipyretics: Effects, Uses & Risks

Nocturnal cough

Introduction Coughing is a natural reflex of the body and serves to cleanse the airways of mucus and foreign bodies. Many illnesses can make coughing worse for various reasons. A distinction is made between productive cough, with expectoration of phlegm, and dry irritable cough, without expectoration of phlegm. At night, a mild cough can become … Nocturnal cough

Cough syrup

General information A cough syrup (antitussive) is a medicine that suppresses or dampens the irritation of the cough. Usually the basis for a cough syrup is a simple syrup (Syrupus Simplex, purified water and household sugar) or an alcoholic solution. A variety of cough syrups with many different active ingredients are available. For some active … Cough syrup

Cough syrup during pregnancy | Cough syrup

Cough syrup during pregnancy Especially centrally acting cough syrup must not be used during pregnancy and lactation, so opiate derivatives such as codeine, dihydrocodeine, noscapine and the non-opioid cough blocker dextromethorphan are taboo! But also peripherally acting cough syrup should be used with caution and only with strict indication. For example, dropropizine, pentoxyverine and pipaceta … Cough syrup during pregnancy | Cough syrup

Chocolate against cough

Therefore chocolate helps against cough Cocoa contains theobromine, a substance belonging to the chemical group of alkaloids, just like the cough medicine codeine. Just like codeine, theobromine acts on the central nervous system by reducing the activity of the nerves that mediate coughing, thus weakening the cough reflex. Codeine is a derivative (derivative) of the … Chocolate against cough