
What is Prospan®? Prospan® is a herbal medicine with ejection-promoting, bronchial relaxing and bronchodilator effects, which is used as a support for respiratory diseases such as coughing with mucusy sputum. It is produced by the pharmaceutical company Engelhard Arzneimittel. The drug is made from dried ivy leaf extract and is sold in various dosage forms … Prospan

Side effects | Prospan

Side effects Very rarely allergic reactions (shortness of breath, swelling, reddening of the skin, itching) occur. In less than 1 in 100 cases, gastrointestinal complaints such as nausea, vomiting or diarrhoea occur. The ingredient sorbitol may have a laxative effect under certain circumstances. A doctor should be consulted if side effects occur. Interactions No interaction … Side effects | Prospan


Mucosolvan® is a pharmacy-only drug containing the active ingredient ambroxol hydrochloride, which is used for mucolytic action in acute and chronic lung diseases and diseases of the lower respiratory tract where there is a disorder of mucus formation and mucus transport. Contraindications If hypersensitivity (allergy) to one of the ingredients of the medication is known … Mucosolvan®

Interactions | Mucosolvan®

Interactions If codeine is taken at the same time as Mucosolvan®, a dangerous congestion of secretion can occur due to the reduced cough reflex. The antibiotics amoxicillin, cefuroxime, doxycycline and erythromycin are increasingly absorbed into the bronchial secretion if they are taken at the same time as Mucosolvan®. Consumption during pregnancy According to studies in … Interactions | Mucosolvan®


Introduction The active ingredient of Fluimucil® is acetylcysteine. This active ingredient has a secretion-dissolving effect and is therefore used for treating colds and similar respiratory diseases. Principle of action of Fluimucil If pathogens (e.g. viruses or bacteria) penetrate the nose or bronchial tubes, the mucous membrane there reacts by secreting larger amounts of fluid. The … Fluimucil

Side effects | Fluimucil

Side effects Possible side effects that may occur while taking Fluimucil® are Hypersensitivity reactions with skin reactions such as redness, rash, itching and/or wheals Rare headaches Rarely nausea, vomiting, diarrhea Interactions The simultaneous intake of acetylcysteine with drugs that inhibit the coughing stimulus must be avoided, as the mucus dissolved by acetylcysteine cannot be coughed … Side effects | Fluimucil


Paracodin® is a drug from the group of antitussives (cough suppressants) and is used for unproductive irritable cough. The active ingredient contained in Paracodin is dihydrocodeine. Dihydrocodeine is a derivative of the opium alkaloid morphine and a derivative of codeine, which in turn is prescribed as an antitussive and painkiller. In Germany, Paracodin® falls under … Paracodin®

Interactions with other drugs | Paracodin®

Interactions with other drugs Dihydrocodeine is a drug that acts in the central nervous system, so it may interact with other substances that act in the brain and spinal cord. If dihydrocodeine is taken simultaneously with central depressant medications such as sedatives, sleeping pills or psychotropic drugs, the respiratory depressive and sedative effect of dehydrocodeine … Interactions with other drugs | Paracodin®

Cough suppressant during pregnancy and for children | Cough expectorant

Cough suppressant during pregnancy and for children There are also different opinions on the strict application of cough suppressants for pregnant women and children. The use of central cough suppressants is only permitted for children over two years of age. Infants and children under 14 years of age must not be treated with hydrocodone. Hydrocodone … Cough suppressant during pregnancy and for children | Cough expectorant

Recipes for cough syrup

General information A cough syrup (antitussive) is a medicine that suppresses or dampens the irritation of the cough. Usually the basis for a cough syrup is a simple syrup (Syrupus Simplex, purified water and household sugar) or an alcoholic solution. There are many different brands and manufacturers from which you can buy cough syrups in … Recipes for cough syrup

Cough expectorant

Coughing is an important protective reflex of the body to expel foreign bodies, mucus or dust from the lungs. The coughing reflex therefore frees the airways and prevents them from becoming narrowed. Coughing can occur in the course of respiratory diseases, heart disease or as a side effect of medication. Most often, however, the cough … Cough expectorant