Inflammation in the abdomen

General information The term “abdomen” is used in medicine to describe an anatomical region that is filled by many important organs and structures. In women, these include the ovaries (ovary) and the fallopian tubes (tuba uterinaSalpinx). Ovaries and fallopian tubes are together known as appendages (adnexa/adnexes). The female abdomen also includes the uterus and the … Inflammation in the abdomen

Inflammation of the uterus

Introduction An inflammation of the uterus can be very unpleasant for the woman affected. A distinction is made between inflammation of the cervix (cervicitis), inflammation of the lining of the uterus (endometritis) and inflammation of the uterine muscles (myometritis). Overall, the inflammation of the uterus is often caused by an ascending vaginal inflammation (colitis) and … Inflammation of the uterus

Cervical pain

Definition Cervical pain is an unpleasant sensation in the area of the uterus which, anatomically speaking, extends into the upper part of the vagina and merges into the cervix. The cervix serves to close and protect the uterus. It can be painful and malfunctioning, as potentially any part of the body. Often the pain is … Cervical pain

Treatment | Cervical pain

Treatment Depending on the cause of the underlying cervical pain, there are different treatment options: If, for example, pain is experienced after a gynecological examination or an operation, physical rest and relaxation can provide relief. In case of inflammatory changes, antibiotic treatment may be necessary, which takes several days. During this period, light painkillers can … Treatment | Cervical pain